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The "three suns" rose over Moscow»

Added Tue, 16/02/2021
Дата публикации
Mon, 15/02/2021

Clear skies and frosty air, thickly laced with ice crystals — are favorable grounds for optical phenomena such as halos, false suns, light pillars, and purple sunsets.

The morning of the Sretensky frosts began in Moscow with parhelion — one of the types of solar halo. Above the sun was a small solar column, and to the left and right on a bright (sometimes rainbow) circle were located false suns.

A similar play of light in crystals floating in the atmosphere could be observed in adjacent regions with the same type of frosty weather. It should be noted that in the morning of February 15 in Moscow it was up to -20, in the region up to -27.

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