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34894 facts from 176 countries related to 1183 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2814 of them were solved, another 10867 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Over China, there was an unusual rainbow cloud

Residents of the Chinese city of Yulin is located in Shaanxi province, noticed in the sky a mysterious anomaly – a strange cloud, as iridescent as a rainbow.

The media got fake news about the fact that Lithuania is a NATO aircraft shot down a UFO

Aircraft Military police NATO was shot down in Lithuania unidentified flying object, and a local resident of Vilkaviskis district, which found its wreckage, the Lithuanian army expressed their grat

Rare sun halo over Arctic Canada

As the summer in Arctic Canada is about to end, in the air there is cold, heralding the approach of autumn.

"Rose Sands" — a miracle born in the desert

Sometimes nature is absolutely not averse to repeating his most beautiful creation, but in a different form from other materials.

The most mysterious places of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has always attracted tourists, archaeologists and researchers from different fields. There are many places with ancient history, which have attracted people with its mystery.

Lakes near Samara suddenly acquired a pink color

Three small man-made reservoir in the Samara region suddenly got a strange shade of pink, looking like something fabulous from the children's cartoon.

In Austria (not Australia) catch the mysterious kangaroo-cryptid

There's a joke about the mythical kangaroos in Austria.

The shadow from the light of Venus: a unique photo

The unique combination of high-altitude landscape, a clear sky and complete lack of light pollution make the Chilean Atacama desert is a favorite place for astronomers from all over the world.

Dance amazing halo in the sky

Something amazing happened in the skies over Sydney (Australia). The rising sun was preceded by a network of luminous swirls, circles and arches.

In Australia, a huge meteorite fell

On Tuesday, August 28, the evening sky above the Australian city of Perth lit up with bright light, he heard rumbling in some houses shook the glass.

In Bulgaria discovered the skull of the werewolf

Bulgaria - a country in Eastern Europe with a rich culture and history. It was an embarrassing discovery.

Protivoallergennye rays fan stretches over the horizon

Yesterday at sunset in Golden, Missouri, over the horizon is a fan of shadow rays.


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