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34875 facts from 176 countries related to 1183 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2814 of them were solved, another 10865 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Tasmania have found a rare fish with "hands»

Anthony Cooper and her research team dived for two hours to find a rare fish with "hands".

The mob severely beat "the sorcerer" for the transformation of a man in a black goat in Nigeria

Residents of the Nigerian rivers state suspected the man that he fashioned man in a black goat, and put "sorcerer" physical injury, writes

In earth orbit launched disco ball

The scientific community criticized the launch of the "star of humanity", which is called the cosmic disco ball.

Last service antique mirrors

Antique mirrors in them a mystical and mysterious!

The Indian settlement fell ice block

The villagers Fazilpur-Budleigh located in India, surprised the fallen block of ice, which at first took over the alien sign. The weight of the ice ball was ten pounds.

In Australia, the family took the Ghost snake, all the while lowering the water in the toilet

Settled in the cistern of the toilet snake was led to believe the Australian family in paranormal phenomena. About the incident told the publication the Daily Mail.

Ghost pale ladies photographed near the river

In the section of the popular site "Reddit" dedicated to supernatural phenomena, there was another picture of the alleged ghosts.

In a medieval hovel found traces of pyrokinesis witches

In a medieval hovel Hai-Uppacott, located in the English hills and swampy Dartmoor, found possible traces of pyrokinesis witches.

In Scotland noticed the rare hairy ice

These gorgeous photos can't be cotton candy, and the so-called hairy ice. The phenomenon captured the 62-year-old Wilma stark, who spent her vacation in Dunkeld in Scotland.

The Network got a video recorded in 1950-ies of UFO

In the vast YouTube video showed a recording of flight of UFOs taken in the fifties of the last century.

A large underground facility was detected as a result of coastal erosion

After several storms that have passed in recent months, on the beach, burry Port was discovered the mysterious object.

Scientists have found in Sweden a pond with a circular motion

Scientists inform that in Sweden in the Gulf Copperten crater, in which water moves in a circle.


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