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Ghost. Russia

ID #1524469800
Added Mon, 23/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
озеро Черное

This story happened to a resident of the Russian city Maxim the Temple, and told Sergei Solov - his close friend, who was a witness and a direct participant in these strange and at the same time, amazing events.

"It all started with Sergey says that Max decided to get married. This was unexpected and strange to all of us – his friends and acquaintances. In fact, Maxim is a good guy, sociable, cheerful, but in relationships with girls, some flippant, frivolous. They are around max and curl, the butterflies, and shows that he is nice, but only just.

And suddenly decided to get married, told us all about the upcoming wedding. And all at once changed, has become a significant and somehow solemn. All our questions were answered, which finally met your soul mate and that about a girl he had dreamed all his life. But the bride is not introduced, and almost nothing about her told.

As the time draws near for the wedding, we are buying gifts, helping max with the organization of celebrations. Order café, toastmaster, cars – in short, all that is necessary. And here, two days before the registration Max has agreed to introduce us to your bride. On this day they were to meet in the city Park.

Of course, we all threw things and went with max. I went to the Park, waited. Time goes by, and the girl does not appear. We have already started to joke:

- Well, fiancé, where's your bride? Maybe she ran away from you?

Max first joked, then got her on her cell phone to call, and she's not picking up. Maybe spun with do before the wedding?..

We waited more than an hour – and all in vain. Then max was sent to find a bride and have dispersed everyone in the party.

And in the evening I called max and told him that his girl was gone. Her phone is silent, the apartment is unoccupied. Max's voice was shaking, and even at a distance it was obvious how he is confused and scared.

- Come, - I said to him and began to ring up other friends.

When all had gathered, I told max to tell the bride everything: who she is, and where he met and so on... In the end, they together apply to the Registrar!..

It turned out that Max met a girl in the Park, on the shore of the Black lake. It was evening, the guy was going to go home and then saw her...

...It was like she was glowing from inside some special light, dark eyes beckoned and warmed. Glancing at them, max realized that this amazing girl is his destiny. Everything in it was thrilling and mysterious, as if unearthly...

They met not long, about three weeks. During this time, Maxim has finally lost his head and in panic for fear of hearing the crack made the girl a proposal. She said Yes, and everything seemed to be fine... until the last day...

First we called all the hospitals, then went to the address where the girl lived. The neighbors told me that there is no and never was... But Max escorted his bride to the apartment. Girlfriends her he didn't know. Parents, as the girl who live far away and come only for the wedding. That was weird and caused a lot of questions to answer which we couldn't...

Next day – before check - has not brought clarity. The cafe was paid; all who were involved in the upcoming event, called and asked to confirm the orders. The bride never showed up.

...For registration decided to come in advance, hoping that, maybe, in place of something clearer. But neither the bride, nor her relatives, we did not wait. The registration was canceled, like everything else, the penalty paid...

Max was painful to watch, and we decided not to leave him alone. Night his phone rang: "I wait for you in the same place..."

These words we learned later, and then Max broke the silence and sent her running from the apartment. While we awoke and came to himself, he was already gone. Where to look for the other? What he heard on the phone?

One thing was clear: max is called the bride, this was due to his spastic haste. But where would she call him? In the head we had only one Park on the shore of the Black lake. And we rushed there...

...In the distance we saw on the shore the odd couple: a young girl dressed in a white dress, was attracted to a guy, and one of weak and insecure resisted. But she suddenly clasped his hands and, carrying with him, rushed from a steep Bank down into the cool dark water.

Somehow poryvaev their clothes, we ducked behind. In early spring the water was icy cold, she took his hands and feet. But we were lucky – we got max, already half-dead, but not dead... One guy began to call the Ambulance, and we continued to search for the girl. Alas, all our heroic efforts were in vain...

Arrived "first aid" and took max to the hospital. And before that, the driver told us that was not the first time coming here on such calls and doctors have to pump out idiots who climb for some reason, in cold water like crazy...

When things got settled, we again visited the shore. He walked and talked with the local women who, as you know, all all know about. And found that, indeed, in this place too often drown the young guys. Someone manages to save and who is not. And started this dark story seems to be that one girl right before the wedding, fiancé dumped her, and she with sorrow drowned in this lake.

It was a long time ago, but since then no-no and leaves the girl drowned from the depths, to avenge his ruined life and takes revenge, apparently, indiscriminately to every guy that you meet on her way...

...Max, of course, recovered. In our story reacted in a strange way, we did not understand, he believed in the mystique or not. Since then many years have passed and he's still not married, furthermore, he explicitly eschews women. Well, apparently, everything takes time..."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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