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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. France

ID #1530807199
Added Thu, 05/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

I traveled in a flying saucer. From Mr. G. B. from Marseille:

In 1921, a very hot year, I one day wandered on the slopes of the canal Nord. I was eight years old, and I loved to walk in the quasi-lunar landscapes, created as a waste, and war. Suddenly the two creatures in clothing like diving suits, suddenly appeared among the trees. Without further ADO, they grabbed me and dragged into the car, which I thought was a tank [an armored war machine] strange forms.

They raised me in it because I couldn't resist. Suddenly, I began to cry, and I don't know if they were touched, but after a few minutes, in the ceiling of the cabin appeared a hole, and a few moments later I found myself on the ground. However, I prihodilos to walk for most of the day before I found the place where I was taken five minutes earlier. When I returned home at night, my parents called me a "dirty liar." No one ever wanted to believe my story. I can't tell what was machine and what was inside, of course, was too upset. I only remember two parts: a square or at least rectangular portholes. Inside was a flexible sofa where I was sitting.

I guess I remember that "underwater suits" had a metallic appearance. I don't have any specific memories except for the fact that these two beings were very tall and very slender.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

I traveled in a saucer From Mr. G. B…, of Marseilles:
It becomes rare not to have seen a flying saucer, but it is still not very common to have flown on board of one of these machines. In 1921, a very hot year, I was one day wandering along the slopes of the channel of Nord. I was eight years old and I loved to get lost in the quasi lunar landscapes created both by wastes and the war. Suddenly, two beings covered of a flexible kind of diving suit spouted out literally among the robin trees. Without any further ado, they grabbed me towards what I believed being a tank [the armored war vehicle] of curious form. They hoisted me in the machine without I being able to resist. I should say “without that I could want to resist.” Suddenly I started to cry and I do not know if they were touched but after a few minutes, an opening appeared in the ceiling of the cabin and in a few moments I found myself on the ground. I had however to walk during a large part of the afternoon before finding me close to the way which I had left five minutes earlier. When I arrived on our premises, at the night, my parents called me “a dirty little liar” and nobody ever wanted to believe in my story. I can hardly give details on what was the apparatus and its cabin. I was undoubtedly too much upset. I remember only two details: there were square or at least rectangular portholes. The cabin had a kind of flexible couch on which I had sat.I believe I remember that the “diving-suits” were of metallic appearance. I do not have any particular anatomical memory except that the two beings were very tall and very slim.


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