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The Swiss, on the orders of the aliens went to Argentina and built a port for UFOs

Added Tue, 28/08/2018
Дата публикации
Tue, 28/08/2018

In 2008, a resident of Switzerland JASLI Werner (Werner Jaisli) he said received a "telepathic order from the aliens" and then went to Argentina.

There in a little while he settled in the small town of cachi in Salta province and started to build something then called the port for UFOs (ovniport). Now in this place from earth and especially from the air can be considered a very beautiful complex pattern in the shape of a star, created from the white and dark stones. Desert of Salta has long been known among ufologists as a place where very often see a UFO. However, it is unclear whether the advantage of at least one spacecraft created by Werner Playground.

"When it started, I was in Italy, in the town of Forte Alto. It was midnight on 24 November 2008," said Werner Gasly, who spent several years in cachi, "it Was quiet and beautiful. And suddenly I saw in the sky two glowing dots, which flew over the river at a height of about 200 meters. It was in the form of solid objects, smooth round shape.

The color of the balls were made of metal and their surface was smooth and shiny. They flew over my head and over the other people standing nearby and then came and fell on us with a powerful beam of light. The strange thing was that this beam seems to have affected only me. In my brain something to "boil" and then I received a telepathic order. They asked me to build in the right place a port for their ships."

Port for UFOs is located at a distance of 4 kilometers from cachi. In the center of his big star with 36 rays, which is 48 meters in diameter. She has in the centre a small star that is made of dark stones, and big star white. Beside a big star is a pattern of dark star surrounded by a circle also made of dark stones. Next to them laid out several patterns of dark stones. Now the port of Werner is known worldwide and is an interesting attraction, which is visited by the tourists.

But Werner himself in 2011, went missing after he was accused of stealing money from a local resident and he spent some time in prison. According to local residents Werner after his release from prison gathered all my things and went off somewhere to the North. In 2014 he was seen in Bolivia, but then his traces are lost.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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