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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Venezuela

ID #1553590249
Added Tue, 26/03/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Баркисимето Lara

Sunday, 24 March 2019, after dark, several witnesses noticed an unidentified flying object in Barquisimeto (state of Lara, Venezuela).

That night appeared in the sky three mysterious lights forming a perfect triangle. They seemed suspended in the air. They stayed in one place for a few minutes before disappearing.

This unusual event has alarmed many residents, who did not hesitate, documented this moment and shared it on social networks.

Video captured from Cervina Manzano Manzano, shows that one of these reddish objects for a long time remained in one place. Meanwhile, Luis Hurtado saw the UFO from the Avenida Venezuela.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Le dimanche 24 mars 2019, à la nuit tombée, plusieurs témoins ont observé un objet volant non identifié à Barquisimeto, une ville située dans l’État de Lara, au Venezuela.

Ce soir-là, trois mystérieuses lumières, formant un triangle parfait, sont apparues dans le ciel. Elles semblaient comme suspendues dans les airs. Elles sont restées au même endroit pendant plusieurs minutes avant de finalement disparaître.

Cet événement inhabituel a alarmé bon nombre d’habitants qui n'ont pas hésité à documenter ce moment et à le partager sur les réseaux sociaux.

Une vidéo, prise par Gervin Manzano depuis Manzano, nous montre l’un de ces objets rougeâtres rester longtemps au même endroit.

Luis Hurtado a, quant à lui, observé ces OVNI depuis l’Avenida Venezuela.

Ce n’est pas la première fois que des OVNI sont observés dans cette ville. En février 2016, un objet orangeâtre a fait son apparition au-dessus de Barquisimeto. Cette fois-là également, le phénomène avait été filmé.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Sky Lantern

Sky Lantern (Chinese flashlight, Thai flashlight) - paper flying luminous structure made of rice paper stretched on a light wooden frame, bamboo ring, burner.

The lights of cranes, pipes and skyscrapers

Most often, this category can be attributed to the lights of a crane, high-rise buildings, boiler pipes, etc., equipped with nighttime lighting that is visible through the haze, fog, or when the color match between the support and the color of the surrounding space.

For unexplained may be taken accidentally or deliberately issued when shooting photos and video. A feature of the lights of a construction crane (in contrast to the street lights) is the movement of the boom, which is a light source.


This category includes not only pyrotechnic projectiles visible in the sky, but also traces of exploded projectiles, their fragments and other similar activities. 

Pyrotechnics is a branch of technology related to the technology of preparing combustible compounds and burning them to obtain a certain signal or effect.

Divided into:


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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