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Wandering Fire. Latvia

ID #1564581138
Added Wed, 31/07/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.2000 23:00

The Observer Elena T:

It was in late July-early August 2000. That summer my mother and I were vacationing in the village with my grandmother in the city of Ruyan. Was about 23 hours. Mom went out to the yard to smoke, and I and grandma went to bed.

Suddenly I hear mom calling me loudly that I went outside. I ran. Mom is "crazy" and pointing in the direction of the nearest tree.

In that direction I see a bright "thread" in white, which is slowly rotated. Then at the end of this "spider" arose ( as if sulking) two and randomly pulsating glowing ball, which changed its size from 1-2 cm up to 30-40 cm

This "dumbbells" was constantly in the rotation, the closer to us, then moving away. As if flirting with us. I was very scared when IT came to me. Called the grandmother.

It is with great displeasure out on the street, constantly cursing that she got out of bed. Grandma saw over the forest were extinguished a bright star then disappeared and "dumbbells". The very "star" my mother and I have not seen. Then everyone went back home. Slept spookie.

Strange, but after this incident have been happening to me an amazing event. I will not say how I became interested in Buddhism, Castaneda, I had to deal with ...spirits or ghosts. Will tell only that my imagination began to come to life.

Example: I once said to her friends that I became acquainted with the Italian. Frankly lied to boast in front of them. And imagine exactly 2 days later I accidentally learn on the street...with the Italian, or rather he paid attention to me and spoke first through an interpreter with me about the flower kiosk.

Continuing the theme from the perspective of Lena's mother:

In the summer, but the overcast evening (summer 2000), I went outside to smoke. Standing next to the lilac Bush.

Suddenly I saw 20-30 cm from a strange glowing strip, thread or cobweb. It shimmered green and white light. I thought this was a piece of "Christmas rain", which was snagged on a Bush. Held out her hand and...this strip was immediately moved to a distant tree.

This thread continued to emit little pulses of light,and the edges appeared a glowing green dots (like eyes!). Strip slowly as a falling leaf, came down to the road. I called daughter.

She decided to come closer to this glow, but I was against it. Very afraid of the consequences. However, the daughter went out on the road and with the lights, rolling like balls from hand to hand. Lena was in awe of this miracle! Then I came closer. I saw that this thread has at its ends or beads. It seems even faces. Color-white, shining, shimmering.

Suddenly this "thread" with the lights "stuck" to my middle finger. I rotated the arm, but IT remained solid with my brush and fingers. Came a disgruntled grandmother. And pointed out to us by hand on syusyu star over the forest. Then all the phenomena immediately disappeared.

Notice, in these places UFOs and other miracles we have repeatedly witnessed.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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