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UFO. Belarus

ID #1572340024
Added Tue, 29/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
18.06.2002 22:20
Фрунзенский район

On June 18 of this year, at 22:20 – 22:30, the author of these lines, his relatives and neighbors witnessed a phenomenon that seemed clearly abnormal to all of us. We came to the conclusion that we had seen a UFO.

It all started with the fact that our attention was attracted by a bright "star" in the sky low on the horizon, which some took for lights on top of an industrial pipe, others for a planet (for example, at first I thought it was Mars, although it shone too brightly for Mars). It could not have been the lights of a pipe, since there are no pipes or towers in this direction, and it was located at a height clearly higher than all ground buildings. Finally, it was confusing that it has a color: it seems green, then red, then white.

There was an assumption that this was an airplane illuminated by the rays of the setting Sun, but the "asterisk" had been hanging motionless in one place for more than five minutes, so the version about the plane was dismissed by itself.

Two words about the conditions of observation. The sky was still blue, although the Sun was already setting over the horizon (it was no longer visible). The sky is absolutely (perfectly) clear, without a hint of clouds. There were no stars in the sky (the first stars appeared only half an hour later). The almost full Moon was almost in the opposite part of the sky from the object, and the object itself was "hanging" above the horizon in the direction to the southeast. The surveillance was conducted from balconies on the 8th floor in the Frunzensky district of Minsk.

Having decided to find out what it was – an airplane, Mars, a tower or something else - I began to look at the object through a telescope (magnification 60). There was no limit to my surprise. There was an object hanging completely motionless in the sky, unlike anything I knew. First of all, I was surprised to find that there are two fires that are lit alternately with a short interval. Looking closer, I saw that there were three lights. One is on the right side of the object, and two are on its left side, strictly one above the other. If I'm not mistaken, the right light was flashing blue or greenish, the upper left one seemed red to me, and the lower one seemed white (but I could be wrong, since the pipe was shaking in my hands, and I was paying all my attention to how to sharpen and support the pipe, and besides, I was very confused by what I saw; finally, other observers also interfered, who asked to see it too). These lights were not on the edges of the object, but somewhere closer to the edges, after them there was still a continuation of the object to the sides and in width. The object itself was narrow and elongated, gray-transparent from a long distance. Its contours, as well as its texture, were blurred due to the distance. It felt like it was a huge flat figure, the lights were not on its underside. Moreover, it seemed that this "pancake" was slightly turned towards us so that you could see its lower part (the two lights on the left side of the object were seen as located along the "bottom" of the object, one after the other, possibly in the corners). The configuration of the lights and so on gave the impression that the object was triangular in shape.

Visually, it was located above the Institute of Culture. The institute is located at a distance of 4 km from our observation point, and if the size of the object is equated to its scale, then the length of the object will be about 10 meters, and the height above the ground will be 100-150 meters. But in comparison with the clearly visible house in detail, the object looked very blurred through the thickness of the air, it was obvious that it was much further away. In my opinion, 20-30 kilometers or more.

If this is the case, then the size of the object is about 50-75 meters, and at a distance of 40 km – about 100 meters. Accordingly, the height of the object above the Ground is from one kilometer to two or even two and a half (I do not take into account the curvature of the planet here; Minsk is located on a hill, and therefore the viewing angle is greater here).

It is possible that with the perfect visibility that was that evening, we could see an object 60 or 80 km away. At the same time, the size and height of the object should be increased by one and a half or two times (that is, 150 or 200 meters). Taking into account the curvature of the Earth, the height of the object should reach several kilometers (special calculations are needed here). It is essential that the object itself did not glow (or reflect the light of the setting Sun) brightly enough to be seen without optics. Without optics, it was the flashes of his lights that we saw (at a distance they merged into one fire, which seemed to change its color). However, things may be different. The object, if it was located at a distance of more than 30 km, was just visible in optics because it reflected the rays of the Sun, even if it was seen as a blurred and indistinct spot. But, I emphasize, the object itself was not visible to the naked eye.

The object hung like this without any movement for 5 to 10 minutes (from the moment we noticed it), and then suddenly began to move sideways – simultaneously to the right and down. He did not move straight, but as if in a reverse arc, descending in about 15 seconds to a distance of half the height and about the same amount to the right.

He hung motionless again, for about half a minute.

After that, the object began to move much faster to the left, almost strictly parallel to the horizon, and at the same time its light (the light of the side lights) visually disappeared (with great difficulty it could be seen with the naked eye). However, he was still visible through the tube. The lights were still flashing (it seemed to me more often, but I can't say for sure). But they blinked with much lower brightness, so much less that they were almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and if they were not specifically searched for in the sky, they would be invisible.

The object was moving to the left (north) without acceleration. In a straight line, and after 30-40 seconds disappeared behind the crowns of trees located about 500 meters away from us. All this time, I could clearly see through the optics that the object did not change its position relative to the Earth – its lights maintained their position relative to each other. Externally, in fact, no changes were seen.

When the object instantly "went out" and its light became almost invisible to the naked eye, one of the observers suggested that the object had gone into shadow from the light of the setting Sun. I would have thought so myself if I hadn't been looking at the object through optics. Through the tube, we clearly saw that it was not the object itself that was glowing (it was grayish in color, almost merging with the sky), but its bright lights that were shining. Therefore, the Sun has nothing to do with it. In addition, it "went out" not when moving down, but when moving strictly to the left. I note that the Sun was in this direction. I think that the slight, barely noticeable turning of the object's bottom in our direction, which seemed strange and ridiculous to me at first, was not actually a roll of the object in relation to the Ground. For the reason that this "roll" persisted in all phases of the object's movements. This "roll", I believe, is explained by the curvature of the Earth itself. The object itself was located strictly parallel to the Earth, but from our point of view it looked with a "roll". This should indicate that the object was very far from us – tens of kilometers away.

It is clear that the object was not above Minsk, but much further away. The object was hanging over the building of the Institute of Culture. If you continue the line from the observation point to the Institute of Culture (4 kilometers), then this is the Serebryanka district of Minsk and the direction to Cherven (about 90 km from the observation point). There are no civilian airports in this direction, as well as (according to my information) no military airports. This area outside Minsk is sparsely populated, with only forests, swamps and rare villages. The only major settlement in this direction (except Cherven) is Bykhov, but it is obviously beyond the possibility of visual observation (more than 200 km).

The object could be located all along this line. In my opinion, the object was before the Worm, although, I do not exclude, it could be both above and behind it.

Since the object had alternating flashing lights, it should be investigated whether it was an ordinary plane coming in to land or taking off from the airfield. Minsk National Airport is located in a straight line 40 km from the observation point and in the direction south of the east. The observed object was much further south and minimally (perpendicular to its direction from the observers to the airport) was located at a distance of 20-25 km from the airport. Really, I think, 30, 40 kilometers or more. Was it an airplane?

For at least 8 minutes we observed the object completely motionless. The only way to explain this is to assume that the plane was moving away from us in exactly the opposite direction, remaining visually in place for us. Is it possible?


The direction of the "flight" lies completely away from the airport. The object was low above the horizon. At this altitude, planes only take off or land, and their speed does not exceed 500 km / h (they develop twice the speed at an altitude of 10 km). If it was an airplane, then it had to be between us and the airport (or just behind the airport), that is, within a distance of 20 to 40 or 50 km. It is not difficult to calculate that in 8 minutes a plane with a speed of 500 km / h will fly 67 km. It is ridiculous to believe that all this time he will be visually at one point for us. To do this, it must not only maintain the direction of movement strictly opposite to us, but also rise proportionally (or fall if it is landing) in order to stay in place, taking into account the curvature of the Earth.

In addition, it is difficult to imagine that the plane flew at such a low trajectory for such a long distance, and then began to descend even lower. If he was descending, then this is not an airplane takeoff, but a landing. But where? He allegedly flew 67 km, which is very far from our airport. Then another 15 or 25 km – until he disappeared behind the trees, shifting strictly to the left. At a distance of 80 km, the wingspan of this aircraft should be 200 meters. There are no such planes. Not to mention the fact that at such a distance, we could not see the light of the aircraft's "flashing lights" with the naked eye – as an object of the sky, brighter than any star or planet. They don't have enough power for this, especially not at night, but in a still blue sky. Moreover, according to this version, the plane flew 67 km, but not only did it not change its position relative to our eye, but the light of the "flashing lights" did not become dimmer. And then suddenly "faded away". This does not apply to an airplane. Its warning lights are of constant power.

Having flown about 80 kilometers in 10 minutes of observation, the hypothetical aircraft should have clearly decreased in size. However, I immediately saw the size of the object about 10 meters long in relation to the building of the Institute of Culture (4 kilometers away) at the beginning of the observation, so these dimensions did not change at all by the end of the observations after 10 minutes. I do not know of such aircraft that slowly stretch their wings at a distance of 80 km. For one purpose – to mystify the observer.

Finally, it is in no way possible to explain the location of the lights by the version of the aircraft. One on the right and two on the left above each other. In an airplane, the lights are located at the ends of the wings and on the tail. If we assume that visually the right "flasher" is the tail, and the two on the left are the wings, then the plane should fly perpendicular to us, not away from us. If we assume that the wing's "flashing light" is on the right, and the tail and the other wing are on the left, then the plane should fly at an angle of 45 degrees to us. According to the version about the plane, he was flying strictly away from us.

Well, the lights of the aircraft are located on the edges of the wings, and here it was clearly visible that even after the lights the object continues to the sides and in width.

I don't think it was a plane. We have never seen anything like this here, although if it were an airplane. Then you could see it every week or every day. And the object itself – I emphasize especially – did not give the impression of moving. He hung motionless in the sky, and then did not change the position of the lights when moving. For the same reasons listed above, it could not be an object and a military aircraft. Another rational explanation: a helicopter. But the helicopter is just about 10 meters in size, and at a distance of 4 km above the houses, I would easily identify it. Even without optics. A week before, a helicopter circled over the center of Minsk, at a distance of 5 kilometers, and was perfectly visible to the naked eye in cloudy weather. With the help of a tube with a magnification of 60 times, I could see the inscriptions on board the helicopter and the windows with the pilots – if it were four kilometers away. But I do not know of any helicopter with a size of at least 50 meters. At least there are no such helicopters in Belarus. It is no accident that I do not use the term "UFO" here, as I leave the real possibility that we saw not something unearthly, but something of ours, Belarusian. If that's the case, then I admire our technique. But I doubt that it – a secret one – will be tested in front of two million Minsk residents and guests of the capital from NATO. What kind of secrecy is there?

To consider all the possibilities, let's remember about balloons and airships. There are no airships in Belarus, but there are balloons. I am not a physicist, and it is difficult for me to calculate the speed at which the object was moving (it also depends on the distance to it), but neither balloons nor airships fly like that. And the shape of the object – the shape of a flat pancake – has little to do with this sedentary technique.

The object was stationary for 8 minutes, then shifted in an arc and fixed its new position. And then he began to move progressively to the left. If, as I believe, he was at a distance of tens of kilometers, then these movements took place at great speed.

There is only one type of UFO, which has three lights flashing in different colors. These are the so-called triangular UFOs. A few years ago, they caused a stir in Belgium, they are often seen in Europe and the USA, and they have been repeatedly seen in Belarus. In 1999, there were dozens of people near Orsha, where UFOs hovered and emitted rays (including people falling into these rays). Last year – over Minsk, Brest and other cities of the country (we talked about this in a number of publications). We have many letters from readers who have seen this object over Belarus. Therefore, this new observation is not the first one here.

They usually talk about triangular UFOs, meaning that there are several of them, but after studying the texture of observations (which our readers are largely familiar with from our publications), I can assume that this is a single device flying over the Earth for several years. It just appears over different places at different times. There is no "flotilla", it is most likely the same single device. So a triangular UFO, according to generalized observation data around the world, has a size comparable to a football field (side length is about 250 meters). If this size is taken in our case, then the object was about 100 km away from the observers. With the perfect transparency of the air on this day, we could easily see the object at such a distance. Let me remind you that from the peaks of the Caucasus mountains on a clear day, you can see the Black Sea 250 km away.

If the object was 100 km away from us, then it was behind the Worm. Its height, excluding the curvature of the Earth, should have been about 4-5 km, and taking it into account (and taking into account the height of the Minsk upland), apparently, significantly exceeded 10 km. Here, I repeat, special calculations are needed. It may be objected to me that at such a distance we could not see the object. I'll answer: we haven't even seen him. We saw only a very bright light formed from the fusion of three side lights. The object itself is very vague, and I could only see three of its lights at a magnification of 60 times. It may be objected to me that in order for artificial lights to shine so brightly that they are seen as the brightest object of the still blue sky at a distance of 100 km, huge energy is needed. But that's how it was. Since this is not an airplane. I have seen more than once at the airport how planes coming in to land fly in the sky about five hundred meters away from me. When I heard the roar of engines in the sky, I looked up and saw the plane and its lights, which were no brighter than in this case. But with all the brightness of the plane, I clearly saw the lamps on the wings themselves, emitting light, and here these lights were tens of kilometers away from us. That surprised me very much. Apparently, the energy of these "flashing lights" is huge. Another characteristic feature of triangular UFOs. Which we observed here: when an object begins to move rapidly, the light of its lights weakens many times. So it was in this case. I will assume that when the object is at rest, most of the energy of the propulsion system goes to power the "flashing lights", since at the beginning of rapid movement, the light of the "flashing lights" weakens tenfold. Our aircraft do not have this, since their side lights and engines are not connected to each other. And here, apparently, they are connected. And this is irrational from the point of view of flight safety, since it is with an increase in the speed of the device that the risk of collision increases, therefore it is wrong for the lights to be bright at the moment of stopping traffic, but to fade dramatically just at the moment of movement.

This is "wrong", of course, only for the design where the side lights are independent of the device's power system. For our aviation. But in space technology, everything is different: there is often a single power plant that feeds everything. And this functional flaw, which is inherent in both our spacecraft and triangular UFOs, does not come from the mistakes of the designers, but from saving space. Because this device is being created for long-distance routes, where a special energy system for onboard lights is an unnecessary luxury. I think that a sharp drop in the light output of the onboard lights of the device at the beginning of its rapid movement indicates that this is not a technique for local movements, but specifically a technique designed for ultra-long-range movements.

I can only hope that there were other people in the Minsk region who paid attention to this object. And they will respond by telling you what they saw. It is important to trace in which direction the eyewitnesses saw the object (and at exactly what time). By comparing the data with our observation, we will be able to determine exactly where the object was located. Accordingly, its size and height above the Ground. We are waiting for such messages. We are sure that it was not only us who paid attention to this strange "star". And once again, we advise all our readers: look at the sky more often. You can see amazing things there.

We believe that our civil aviation and military services also saw the object. They traditionally do not give comments, and everything goes under the heading "secret". This is correct, since we have no guarantee that this is not a US device. Strictly speaking, everything foreign and not ours that appears in our airspace illegally is a threat to our national security. And it automatically falls into the category of "secret", in the development of services. Whether it is the apparatus of the United States, aliens, or China, everything is the same, we will not know about the results of the investigation. We're not supposed to know that.

Anything can happen. And you need to be prepared for everything.

When the material was ready, we decided to check in the reports of UFO societies whether there had been recent UFO sightings anywhere else besides Belarus. A recent MUFON digest reported that in recent days and weeks, among other observations of strange objects in the sky, there have been several cases of triangular-shaped UFOs with lights similar to this case in the United States. So the object is seen not only in Belarus.

By the way, although some part of the reports about "flying saucers" always turns out to be fiction or a deception of vision, but "triangles" are not the subject of hoaxers. Firstly, they do not correspond to the "classical" ideas of UFOs as flying spinning disks, and secondly, they have on-board warning lights at the corners, which is always a reason for doubt whether we see an airplane. In this case, this observation would have gone unnoticed if the object was moving – everyone would have considered it an airplane. He only drew attention to himself by staying in one place for a long time.

Unusually bright episodic flashes in the sky (including cloudy ones) are also associated with a triangular UFO.

Once again, we urge our readers to take a closer look at the sky above their heads: Sometimes you can see really strange things there.


Igor Denisovich, a reader from Minsk, writes:

"Hello, my dear "Analytical newspaper "Secret Research"! I am 33 years old, I have been reading your newspaper from the first issues – from cover to cover, and I give it to my friends. But that's not what I'm writing about. In issue 13, in the article by Vadim Deruzhinsky, "What was it? UFO in the sky of Minsk" described a strange phenomenon. I've seen something similar. Maybe it will be useful.

On June 18 of this year, after watching the movie "The whole world separates Us", which was on NTV, I went out on the balcony. It was about 12 a.m. on the clock. For accuracy in the program, the movie ended at 00.10. The sky was completely cloudless and clear. Heading SOUTH, I saw a bright flash in the sky. I thought, can a plane really be so bright? He waited, looking in that direction. A new flash followed 5-7 seconds later, with the same greenish-white bright light. I saw that a small distant star in the sky (seemingly an ordinary star), from which the flashes came, suddenly made a sharp maneuver. As if, like in a cartoon, it suddenly changed its place along an intricate trajectory, froze and went out.

Then I looked at that sector of the sky for a long time. But only the stars were visible, nothing flashed or changed places.

I repeat that the point seemed very far away, it was difficult to see it with the naked eye, and I saw it only because of the flash. It was clearly not an airplane, the lights of the airplane flash constantly and in different colors, but there are only two flashes, and of the same color. And their power is much greater than that of airplanes. And secondly, the plane cannot perform the maneuver like that. The flight path was somewhat similar to an oval (see the picture). The object was moving from point A to point B quite quickly, and at the same time the trajectory was glowing red. It was as if embers had flown from a night campfire. I drew the stars for the view.

The surveillance was conducted from the balcony of the 4th floor of a house in the Frunzensky district of Minsk. If you look from my balcony, the imaginary line from me to the object went approximately along the streets of Zhudro, Belsky, Gursky, crossing Dzerzhinsky Avenue and further towards Kurasovshchina. It seemed to me that the object was very far away from me. The trajectory of the object was about 3-4 cm in the sky, if you stretch out your hand with a ruler. He moved from top to bottom, from right to left. It's like a firebrand flying off a campfire in the dark.

It seemed to me that maybe lightning struck the plane in the sky, and fragments flew from it. But that day it was clear, there was no rain, no lightning, and no disasters. I would like to know your opinion on what it was. Maybe it's something earthly, or maybe it's not."


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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