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UFO. Russia

ID #1573120197
Added Thu, 07/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Interviewed and recorded Dzerzhinsky, Dmitry.

Observation of unidentified flying objects from the 6th to the 7th of July (according to the Orthodox calendar the Midsummer night) presumably in 1992 (very 1993). AYA was in the village of Popovka (and possibly in the village of Rudnya and D. Vacenovice) Slavgorod district, Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus.

The witness, who asked to remain anonymous, we'll call him V., recounted the following story at my request. All of the terms, concepts, definitions according to eyewitnesses. The story is on behalf of an eyewitness, are reproduced without additions or other modifications and approved by the eyewitness.

Me and my friend N., we rested in the summer in the village, in the evening sitting on a bench in front of my house waiting for the familiar village boys and talked. The sun had set and time was about half past eleven. The night was clear, without clouds, was visible the starry sky, where once was the Moon, but we did not have time to pay attention. Suddenly we noticed that in the distance, at the forest, about over the forest road and about two kilometers away (road leads to our village), there were two fires.

We thought it was the headlights of a car. They were coming right towards us, keeping to the road. Then we saw two pairs of headlights, one above the other. I had thought that this night goes a harvester from a field, but the embarrassment was the fact that when riding a harvester, the upper lights swaying in the direction of movement forward-backward, and even if they are viewed from the front, you would see the swing of the headlights.

In addition to this, I was confused by the fact that any sound (hum, noise), created what were these lights, it was not! Night in the village the noise of the car would have been heard by all who do not sleep -- These four lights moving evenly, slowly, in our direction. In one place the road was doing a zigzag, i.e. gone away to a considerable distance, and then returned directly to the village.

In place of the zigzag was a field and irrigation ditch. The lights followed the road and walked directly across the field, crossed the ditch, after which it became clear that they fly! It became clear that between the headlamps is a vertical pole. It was a little higher than telephone poles (those, on which the electric wire), which stood nearby. You can compare yourself light post and Telegraph, because the object is already flew to the bend in the road, which came out in the village (see scheme). He was thicker than Telegraph poles, 2-3 times. He stopped near one of the pillars, at a distance of one span of Telegraph poles from us.

It was a pillar of whitish colour, like misty, it seemed, was not solid, but was not just a pillar of light. Top on the sides and had two lights (spotlights or floodlights, is not clear), slightly lower than the upper end of the post, and below are the same lights just a little higher than the lower end of the post. They glowed. Their glow can be described as dim, dull, as if smoky, "lights" a little brighter than the pole. If the phenomenon occurred, I don't know would have noticed if we do.

How long was this phenomenon now, after almost 15 years, hard to remember, but it seems that for at least 20 minutes. "It" was removed just as it appeared.

We speculated that it could be. That night we didn't have to sleep. Before we discuss what they saw, as I noticed in the night sky three lights. They can be represented as lights on the vertices of a triangle the size of a palm at arm's length. Immediately I thought it was a plane but the lights were just glowing, not blinking as the side lights of the aircraft, which was odd. It seemed to me that for the plane what I see in the sky – too big. And all of a sudden these lights took it and almost instantly went down closer to the ground, stopped for a second, then immediately flew off to the side, and then the lights began to prescribe such pirouettes that it became clear that it was unearthly technique.

After some time, while we were watching these wonders, it is a n invisible in the dark sky triangle with three lights stopped, hovered. He was turned to us his bottom, as we understood later. Then the lights started to scatter in different directions, and I thought that the show's over, but the lights, scattering increased, the stars in the sky in the area between the lights began to disappear, I realized it was something huge, triangular, that is, performing some complicated maneuvers, turning and turning once to us his side (see picture), began to decline. What we saw was the gradual removal of lights in different directions from each other, and how I am missing the stars in places where there should be faces of the triangle. This UFO was huge. He declined at some angle to the horizon, i.e. not quite parallel to the ground, and turned our eyes to its bottom. Did UFOs are completely silent, with uniform speed, but obviously so fast, judging by its size, which was revealed later that the speed it was supposed to be transonic. The idea we had to hear the noise, whistle, or any sound, the transonic flight of a colossus, but all was quiet!

Gradually it was possible to highlight the details of this triangular UFO. The triangle seemed to be isosceles. Until he began to decline and write out a pretzel in the sky, the lights on it seemed white, but as its decline became evident that the colour of light on the nose, i.e., at the end of the longer part was the bright red color, and it pulsed quite a bit, i.e. slightly and periodically changed its color more al, less back and forth, it seemed that sometimes took a blue-green color. Two other peaks were the same lights bright white, sometimes changing to blue-green.

The color change colors of lights, I think, due to the technological processes in the UFO due to the implementation of the maneuver, or due to the fact that the viewing angle was changed, because during the lowering of the object is rotated as if on its axis, around itself. Can add that all three corner fire did not give a strong radiation and was similar to the floodlight, as it were, something in between. They went from non-dazzling light, i.e. it is possible to look.

In the center of the triangle was located another fire, larger than those on the tops. We noticed immediately, because he was dull, its color was like the color of embers (almost like red). My present impression is that this place was the glow of the power plant UFO. This fire color is not changed, unlike the others. This UFO was still reduced! Began to appear details on the bottom!

Turns out he was in fact, the WHOLE lit only by a dim light from the other lights, which was well, just a lot. Because of the dim lighting we used to think that he only has three lights on the tops (see picture). It turned out that the three outside dimensions of the face was illuminated with many small lights, as if almost merged in one luminous line, color each of them was like all the time the same and at the same time changed from emerald green to possibly the entire color spectrum. It is as if at the same time one colour ran another. Worked like a flickering. It seemed that the line between the two rear lights were lit more brightly than the side, and it seemed to me that it sometimes had more of the red spectrum than in the side.

I don't know how high it's hung, but it was huge! Without exaggeration, when he was hanging over us, he closed the sky ! There was only a thin strip of sky near the horizon on the one hand, it is obvious that where one of the faces of the UFO was a little turned upwards, because a UFO landed there and hung at an angle to the horizon.

We climbed on our bench to look a little higher, how far was his face, but they were so far away that the lights on the vertices of a triangle in General was not visible, because they were over the horizon! It wasn't even like the American movie "independence Day", because something was hanging over our own heads! There was nowhere to run, we just struggled a couple of times to the gate to see if I have to, to go in the house and hide because it seemed to us that this thing's gonna land right on us. From the beginning of its appearance in the sky until a UFO hovering above us think it took about 40-45 minutes. We had enough time to consider the UFO from the bottom (see picture).

At this time, when he finally declined, I and N. there is a slight unpleasant feeling "of the sound pressure on the ears, on the head, heaviness in the head." We just stood there with N. and animatedly asked each other, "you see I'm the same as you?".

We saw the same thing, and both felt this discomfort in my ears. This can be compared with the work of turning off the TV. Is some strange high-frequency noise felts felts squeak, or buzz, in General, ringing in the ears and pressure in ears and in the head (probably from the sound). Both in that moment there was a sense of mild vertigo and mild nausea, it was hard psychologically, and most importantly, a distinct sense of partial reduction of own weight! The impression that the UFO takes a part of gravity on itself, and we would have to weigh less! It seemed more a side effect than as made especially.

It occurred to me after a while to lift and throw a small pebble into the air, he fell, how exactly weighed less than usual. We noticed that when the object hovered, stopped falling, there was a howling and yapping dogs throughout the village, became scary. We had a dog when we had ran over a fence gate, the dog just ran up to me and shoved my head in her lap, she was disheveled, scared, thumping. As I remember now, the fire in the middle of a UFO the color of smoldering coals were unusual. It was possible to distinguish along the whole of its circumference would have a small circle of the same color, but it is only at the perimeter of the circle, and in the middle of the fire was as simple as focusing converging light. Circle around the perimeter of the fire could be balls, just to understand it was impossible, and the glow these bulbs are slightly brighter than the light in the middle of this fire.

The bottom of the UFO was oval, i.e. consisted of faces. Three ribs in the places where the plane of the bottom of the UFO converged among themselves, stretched from the red Central circle in different directions, apparently to the three lights at the vertices. These faces were lit with many small lights located exactly on the edge. The light was dim, same as dimensional faces. It turned out that these three large, just a huge faces are composed of still smaller, but still by earthly standards is also a huge, faces. After some time we could consider something like the portholes or Windows on the bottom. They were oval, but how many of them there were not felt, not thought. They were one of the side faces are definitely more than two, i.e., somewhere 4-5.

Precisely to tell difficult. They are very dimly glowed a whitish matte and light as if from within. We wondered with N. what are forms. They were definitely oval, but it seemed felts concave, convex or omitted. The smaller joints of the faces were without lights, but they can be seen, as a dim glow around enough to consider them. These joints would connect their lines for the portholes, three dimensional fire and Central-fire red (see picture). On the surface of the bottom of the UFO could, in principle, to see distinctly the roughness, i.e. the surface of the UFO was not perfectly smooth. It was irregularities in the hull, obviously provided by the manufacturer, as we have on our aircraft. Ie it is in any case not were irregularities resulting from mechanical damage or other mechanical effects. He hung motionless above us for about ten minutes.

But then we noticed that from this Central fire steel to fly some of the points rich dark red color, the color of coal. These points are slightly rippled, but the feeling of flickering maybe created due to the fact that they were flying, for some its trajectories, indirect!, and we saw them from different angles. Somehow, the thought that they are like sensors that sense infrared radiation... Points out many, maybe a hundred, maybe not one. Flew portions or batches of 4-5 pieces, there was 1 or 2 times for one point, and then again portions. Some were flying somewhere for the village, beyond the horizon, into the forest, for the forest, the other was down near us. Some points were flying back to the center of the UFO, red fire, immediately flew away and continue flying.

Then popped 3-4 of the ball. They flew over the earth at a height of 1.5 - 2 meters , i.e., at the level of the head. Sometimes above, sometimes below. These balls had a diameter of offhand with a soccer ball up to half a meter. But this size was the only ones that we saw. In our field of vision was just 3-4 of the ball. We realized that these are the points that fly high above.

These balls we have in the village I see often. Previously there were many cases of their appearance. People even somehow got used to perceive as routine. The boys and I threw stones at them. And what is interesting. The ball, when it flew the stone, and dodged at the last moment and just enough to avoid the collision with the stone, nothing more. Sometimes, I really have not seen, but others said that while maneuvering oborachivaniya ball changed the glow. Appear they have often over our and the neighbor's graveyard. It all started with the 87-88 year, a couple of years after Chernobyl (I think that has something to do) and continued until 93, the last.

So these balls that were flying around us were probably the same as a few years ago when they started showing up in our village. In General, they were flying around us, sometimes strove to surround, but we clearly followed all their movements, while a UFO was hanging over my head, there was probably some exchange of information between the balls and a red Central fire. Suddenly one ball as if emboldened, perhaps, and approached us to 5-8 meters. He did it smoothly, it seemed to us not to frighten, and remained at a respectful distance. Had the feeling that he's watching us or studying. When he flew, we both felt it from the weak trend of the heat exposed parts of the skin, face.

It was evident that the balloon itself consists of balls or smaller and is non-integral, or, on the contrary, he has such structure of the body of the ball of spherical solid matter. It is impossible to say. It seems that these balls are reasonable, i.e. they are never on and no one came across (they even tried to fly around the us side). They moved smoothly with the speed of the human gait, some faster, some slower. Changed speed. Their movement can be described by the word "pokrivale".At the Central fire at the top they were moving faster, that's for sure. I have already said that we once threw stones, these balloons, and I offered to show this to my friend N., but he flatly refused and talked me out of it, well, you never know. These balls have researched the area more than an hour, they dispersed across the countryside, and all this time we discussed the case of UFOs (Windows: what are they, concave or convex, glow, perimeter, and size of faces UFOs). All this time it was the discomfort of the sound pressure on the ears.

By the way, dogs react, perhaps it is itself a high sound, because dogs can hear a greater sound range, because when the UFO fell, and began to publish this sound, a lot of dogs from his voice.

And then somehow we balls have not seen, was fascinated by the discussion of the case of the UFO, and suddenly, ahead and slightly to the right neighbor of the bath, where the bottom of the UFO appeared straight beam of light, but it became clear this was no ordinary beam, and of something made, as if semimaterial. He was perpendicular to the ground. Its color was whitish-blue. The width can only say approximately at arm's length palm length, if it is positioned horizontally.

We didn't see where it fell the beam, we just prevented the hill, which was ahead, and beyond them the terrain dropped was box, and after 5 kilometers the two villages stood side by side. This beam could've hit 150 meters from us, but could for 5 miles , there was not clear. I immediately became scared, because the beam I have been associated with a lift that come on the inhabitants of UFO's and take people.

I immediately stood up from the bench and said, "All N. let's go into the house, and now guests will get acquainted". Something like that.

Beam we observed not more than 5 seconds, we almost ran moved to the gate, latched it, and ran to the porch of the house, slammed and locked the door on the latch. Walking down the hall, I heard grandpa grumbled about the latch on the door, but was not to my grandfather. Somewhere in between that time, I asked N. what time is it (it had an electronic watch), and he replied that it was five to four in the morning. We stuck to the Windows on the other side, where was our place of observation the shop. The UFO was moving! He did a u-turn.

Then he began, turning again to make a maneuver, he gained altitude and turned so that the glare of the sun illuminated it from below, that I remember well. Windows was no longer visible! Whether they are closed felts, but they were not. On takeoff twice he was turned sideways to us and I managed to remember the side view. Still, he was huge! I think he left around the same point in the sky, which began to decline. He was uniformly removed to the size of a matchbox, maybe a little less, and then seems frozen, made some kind of reversal or changed position and almost immediately left along the arc (i.e., upward), merging all of the lights at one point and disappearing at the same time. The sense of loss its own weight left along with the UFO when he took off.

My comment: when he took off, all lights on it are much brighter because we with N. saw the lights on it, and it was already morning and the sun began to illuminate the house. Otherwise, in the sunlight we would not have seen his lights. The point where he disappeared, was about in the East, 50* (more than 45 but less than 60* for sure). Ringing in the ears was only when he retired, but his head ached slightly, probably from this ringing. Of course, it was easier psychologically. Remember that we shut the curtains on the Windows, after I saw ray and ran into the house. Was afraid that one of them will pop in and see us. The same guys, the possible arrival we waited on the bench, seeing that the triangular UFO is reduced, hid in their homes

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Delta-7925 Payload: GPS-2A 5 (Navstar 26, USA 83)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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