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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1573142493
Added Thu, 07/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Виксбург, MI
United States

Early on the morning of March 31 Udvardi Jeno (Hungarian refugee born in 1956) was returning home from a late work shift near Vicksburg (Michigan). When they reached the top of the hill, he saw on the road ahead a cluster of lights, which he assumed was the ambulance from the accident. He slowed down and advanced cautiously.

When the lights was about 10 feet, he suddenly realized that they were not in any recognizable vehicle. Instead, they were seen on the disc-shaped object hovering a few feet above the road and blocking his passage.

The bright lights from the object, some steady and some flashing, hiding details of the object. Udvardi got scared and tried to move away from the strange object. At this point, his car shuddered, as if a strong gust of wind. Then he saw what I first took for another object, hovering behind his car, but a quick glance forward showed that the object was no longer on the road ahead. Obviously, he swept over his head, and took a new position behind him. The same pattern of lights was visible on the object.

Then Udvardi realized that his motor stalled. (It is unknown if this was due to electromagnetic interference as reported in many cases, but he could easily turn the motor in the excitement of the moment). He lowered the glass and looked out. The first time he heard a low buzzing, like the buzzing of a bee swarm.

A moment later, the UFO rose abruptly and sped off at a steep angle, disappearing in the Eastern sky.

Having experienced Communist terrorism and other violence in his native country, Udvardy told the NICAP investigator that it don't scare easy, but this encounter with the unknown shook him.

The incident probably lasted less than a minute, but for many minutes Udvardi was sitting in the car, restoring his composure before I could drive home. At the insistence of his wife, he reported the incident to the Sheriff's office Kalamazoo. Later, he was somewhat bitter because of the ridicule caused by his report. Nevertheless, he adhered to his story, though he got nothing from it.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Early on the morning of March 31, Jeno Udvardy, a 1956 Hungarian refugee, was driving home from a late work shift near Vicksburg, Michigan. When he reached the crest of a hill he saw a cluster of lights on the road ahead which he assumed was an ambulance at an accident. He slowed and approached cautiously. When within about 10 feet of the lights, he suddenly realized that they were not on any recognizable vehicle. Instead they were seen to be on a disc-shaped object hovering a few feet above the road and blocking his passage.

Brilliant lights from the object, some steady and some blinking, concealed some details of the object. (See sketch). Udvardy became frightened and tried to back away from the strange object. At that moment his car was buffeted violently as if by strong gusts of wind. Then he saw what he first thought was another object hovering behind his car, but a quick glance ahead slowed that the object was no longer on the road ahead. Apparently it had darted overhead and taken a new position behind him. The same pattern of lights was visible on the object.

Udvardy then realized that his motor had stalled. (It is not known whether this was due to electro-magnetic interference as reported in many cases, but he could easily have stalled the car in the excitement of the moment). He rolled down his window and looked out. For the first time he heard a low humming sound like a swarm of bees. Moments later, the UFO rose abruptly and sped off at a steep angle, disappearing in the eastern sky.

Having experienced Communist terrorism and other violence in his native country, Udvardy told the NICAP investigator, he did not scare easily. But this encounter with something unknown had shaken him. The incident probably lasted less than a minute, but, for many minutes Udvardy sat in the car regaining his composure before he was able to drive home. At his wife’s urging he reported the experience to the Kalamazoo Sheriff’s office. He later became somewhat bitter over the ridicule his report evoked. However, he stuck to his story in the face of skepticism though he had nothing to gain from it.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Vandenberg AFB, California (USA) Vehicle: Thor-LV2D Burner-1 (2) Payload: DSAP-2 F3 (OPS 0340)
  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Molniya-M (Blok-L) Payload: Luna 10 (Ye-6S №206)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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