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The sea organ in Croatia: the music the sea itself

Added Sun, 02/08/2020
Дата публикации
Sat, 01/08/2020

If the sound of breaking waves puts you in a trance, you should definitely listen to the famous "Sea organ". Design length of 70 meters on the Croatian coast of Zadar takes the mesmerizing melodies due to the movement of the waves.

The sea organ was constructed in 2005 by architect Nikola Basic. Body looks like a huge marble steps leading down to the Adriatic sea.

At the bottom are the narrow channels, which are combined in the 35 organ pipes. The pipe is divided into 7 sections, each of which produces a different musical chords. When waves and wind push air through the channels, through organ pipe pours an amazing melody.

Visitors of "Sea organ" claim that the music of "unforgettable", "quite rhythmic, and even hypnotic". In 2006, the Sea organ won the European prize for best urban public space, as was recognized as "the perfect place for watching the sunset over the sea and the outlines of the neighbouring Islands of Ugljan while listening to music, which takes the sea itself".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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