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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1606584134
Added Sat, 28/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.1983 20:30
United Kingdom

Name: T. Tyler

From: Plymouth

Age: 36

The witness reports:

It was my younger sister who warned us (my mother and I) to come and look at the large 4-sided trapezoid, which looks like an inverted cone with a triangular rather than flat bottom. My sister saw more of it than I did, saying that she saw lighted Windows on it, and it was obviously following a commercial plane that was on its way to land at Plymouth airport.

By the time my mother and I went out to look at it, it had moved to the other side of the Whitley valley and seemed to have descended to a very low altitude, gliding over the roofs. I estimated its size at about 100-150 feet across.

At its top were two red lights that moved sequentially from the top two corners of the object to the top of the top point of the inverted cone and down again to the corners. Since it was night, this was the only way to track it, since the lighted "Windows" were not visible.

My mother and I watched as this quietly, slowly moving UFO flew in a North-easterly direction until it disappeared from view. 

The next day, a local newspaper reported that a couple of women in the car also noticed the object and tried to follow it as far as possible in their car. I believe it was also observed over the local naval base, which is a transshipment point for nuclear submarines.

What impressed me most was the size of the object and its ability to soar silently and so low over the Whitley and Crownhill estates, apparently just a few meters above the roofs!

Original news

ABOVE: Drawing by the witness. (Note that the object in the drawing is not proportional in size to the airplane or houses.)

It was my younger sister who alerted us (my mother and I) to come and view a large 4 sided trapezoid, like an inverted cone with a triangular rather than flat bottom. My sister saw more of it than I saying she saw lit up windows on it and it was apparently following a dash 7 commercial airplane on route to land at Plymouth airport.

By the time I and my mother came out to see it, it had moved over the other side of Whitleigh valley and seemed to have descended to a very low height, skimming over rooftops. I estimated its size to be about 100 -150 ft across. The top of it had two red lights which moved from the object’s two top corners in sequence towards the apex of the upper point of the inverted cone and back down again to the corners. As it was night this was the only way it could now be tracked as the lit ‘windows’ were not observible. My mother and I watched this silently slow moving ufo traverse in a north-easterly direction until it faded from view. The local paper the next day reported that a couple of women in a car had also observed this object and attempted to follow it as far as they could in their vehicle. I believe it had also been observed flying over the local naval base which is a refitting yard for nuclear submarines. There have been numerous other sightings of ufo’s around this dockyard area.

I was most impressed by the object’s size and ability to float silently and so low over the Whitleigh and Crownhill estates apparently mere metres above the rooftops!

Name: T. Tyler
Location: Plymouth
Age: 36


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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