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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Australia

ID #1624635141
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
22.11.2008 21:40
Карнарвона WA

Walking through the area near this place, a 17-year-old witness noticed a very smooth, small airborne vessel, which was clearly equipped for only one person. It had the shape of a thin pyramid. It was completely black, with no visible engines or anything else that kept it in the air. 

The only sound he made was a strong air resistance sound that landed very close to her. And what the witness saw from the inside (which was not much) turned out to be very simplified, almost like a cabin, but without visible tools or controls, it was a kind of" lid " that seemed to completely cover the cabin. which, in her opinion, left no place for the" pilot " to observe. 

The aforementioned lid opened, and a human-like figure, about six feet (1.8 m) tall, in some form with shoes, approached the witness. his eyes looked golden brown. The figure looked muscular and rather pale in appearance, he tried to communicate with the witness in a voice very similar to a human, but completely unintelligible. 

At first, he was very formal and bowed to the witness, obviously introducing himself or perhaps greeting her. The stranger behaved extremely cordially, but the witness really feels that his mood changed towards the end of the meeting and became a little aggressive, only in words, otherwise he remained very calm and seemed to be trying to get information. 

Apparently, he was trying to tell something very specific and was annoyed when the witness did not understand; his language was unrecognizable to her, like any earthly dialect. The witness was apparently able to make a small cylindrical object fly out of the cab of his vehicle into his hand. 

She also believes that the object he was wearing around his neck had something to do with his way of communicating, since he was steadily approaching English speech as the "conversation" progressed, but this is definitely an assumption. 

(Perhaps disappointed in his attempts, the alien returned to his ship, which quickly left).

Original news

Location. Near Carnarvon, Western Australia
Date: November 22 2008
Time: 2140
Walking in an area near this locale the 17-year old witness spotted a very sleek, small airborne vessel that was clearly only equipped for one person only. It was shaped like a thin pyramid of some sort; it was entirely black and had no apparent engines or anything keeping it in the air. The only sound it made was a strong air-resistance type sound, which landed very close to her. And what the witness saw of the interior (which wasn’t a lot) appeared to be very simplistic, almost like a cockpit but with no visible instruments or controls, there was a sort of “lid” that seemed to completely enclose the cockpit, which she thought left no room for the “pilot” to look out. The aforementioned lid had slide opened and the witness was approached by a human looking figure, approximately 6 feet tall wearing a sort of uniform with shoes, its eyes appeared to be golden brown in color. The figure appeared muscular and quite pale in appearance, he attempted to communicate with the witness is a voice very similar to a human but completely unintelligible. At first he was extremely formal and gave the witness a bow, apparently introducing himself or perhaps greeting her. The stranger was extremely cordial in behavior but the witness does feel that his mood was changing towards the end of the encounter to become slightly aggressive, only verbally, it remained very calm otherwise and appeared to be trying to obtain information. It appeared to be attempting to communicate something quite specific and became irritated when the witness did not understand; its language was unrecognizable to her as any dialect from earth. The witness was apparently able to cause a small cylindrical item to fly from the cockpit of its vehicle into its hand. She also believes that an item that he was wearing around his neck had something to do with its way of communication as it was steadily getting closer to English speech as the ‘conversation’ progressed, but this is definitely speculation. (Perhaps frustrated in his attempts the alien man returned to his craft which promptly left).



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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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