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UFO. Canada

ID #1632233695
Added Tue, 21/09/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Ньюмаркет, Кесвик, Брэдфорд, Кинг-Сити, Брайтон, ON

Brighton, Ontario, INDEPENDENT, July 6, 1993, pp. 1 and 17

UFOs illuminate the sky over the province

As a result of a series of observations of unidentified flying objects in southern Ontario, dozens of witnesses are racking their brains in search of answers, and the UFO investigator is inundated with curious cases.

"This is what we call a flood," said Viktor Lourenko, provincial director of the Mutual UFO Network, a civic nonprofit group.

"This is very unusual. We do not receive such reports in such a large number and for such a short period of time. This is too many coincidences, " he said.

Over the past two weeks, dozens of witnesses in Newmarket, Keswick, Bradford, King City and Brighton have been amazed to see strange lights in the sky.

"We are trying to explain this within the framework of the traditional scientific approach. If we can't, then it's a UFO. This, of course, does not mean that he is extraterrestrial , just unidentified." - Victor Lourenko, Ontario, Director of MUFON

An Aurora lawyer reported an orange light around the Newmarket area early on Tuesday morning.

The object, also seen near Orillia, had a round shape with a cross of lights rotating around its axis. The woman watched the object hang for two hours. The object then rose to a height before disappearing.

"We are trying to explain this within the framework of the traditional scientific approach. If we can't, then it's a UFO. This, of course, does not mean that he is extraterrestrial, just unidentified," said Lawrenko.

Also, over the past month, about a dozen people have observed at least three sightings over or near Lake Ontario near Brighton. All the witnesses described the orange object as "a giant light bulb in the sky".

On June 15, retired engineer, World War II Air Force veteran Bill Topham and his wife Eileen were driving along the highway. 2, when they noticed a bright orange object over the lake.

"Either we were following him, or he was following us," he said. During the 15-minute chase, they noticed two satellite objects with the main light.

In early May, Janice Morgan, along with Walter and Joan Lee, watched from their home in Colborne as a dark orange light hovered over Lake Ontario. Suddenly, from the eastern sky, another smaller orange light shot out with incredible speed and stopped near the main fire. They hung together for about three minutes before a small light came on.

The larger object disappeared as if "someone had flipped a switch," said Janice Morgan.

Witnesses initially thought the orange lights were flares from search and rescue operations at nearby CFB Trenton.

But none of the witnesses reported hearing the sounds of planes or helicopters, and the observations lasted up to 25 minutes. Flashes usually last 6 minutes. In one case, a witness called the operations manager of CFB Trenton, who confirmed that two planes were missing that night, but not helicopters and flares.

In an interview two weeks ago, Captain Pete Peterson, a spokesman for CFB Trenton, confirmed that search and rescue teams were absent on June 15 and 23, the night when the two sightings occurred.

According to him, although the rockets burn mostly white, fog, pollution and perspective can give them an orange color.

Lawrenko said that he did not have enough data to explain the observations, while pointing out that these observations could be prototypes of aircraft or military exercises.

"We need to give CFB Trenton the opportunity to have no doubts and conduct additional research."

"In general, they do not lie, but this does not mean that they tell everything," he said.

Other observations since June 23 include:

* Rapid fire movement was reported near Bradford.

* A bluish-yellow light is slowly moving near King City.

* A resident of Brighton looked out of the window and watched for 25 minutes as about 10 smaller lights periodically moved towards a hovering bright orange object and disappeared when they collided with it.

Original news

Brighton, Ontario, INDEPENDENT, 6 July 1993, page 1 & 17

UFOs lighting up skies across province
Brighton skies not alone for strange stellar sightings

Brighton Independent

A rash of unidentified flying object sightings in southern Ontario has left dozens of witnesses scratching their heads for answers and a UFO investigator swamped with intriguing cases.

"This is what we call a flood," said Victor Lourenco, provincial director of the Mutual UFO Network, a civilian-based non-profit group.

"It's very unusual. We don't get these kinds of reports in such a quantity, in such a short period of time. It's too much of a coincidence," he said.

Over the past two weeks, dozens of witnesses in Newmarket, Keswick, Bradford, King City and Brighton were astonished to see strange lights in the sky.

"We try to explain it within a conventional scientific
approach. If we can't, then it's a UFO. That doesn't mean,
of course, that it's extraterrestrial, just unidentified."
- Victor Lourenco
Ontario director for MUFON

An Aurora lawyer reported an orange light around the Newmarket area early Tuesday morning.

The object, also sighted near Orillia, was circular in shape with a cross of lights spinning on its own axis. The woman watched the object hover for two hours. The object then climbed in altitude before it vanished.

"We try to explain it within a conventional scientific approach. If we can't, then it's a UFO. That doesn't mean, of course, that it's extraterrestrial, just unidentified," said Lourenco.

Also during the past month near Brighton, at least three sightings over or near Lake Ontario have been seen by about a dozen people. All witnesses described an orange object like "a giant light bulb in the sky."

On June 15, retired engineer and World War II air force veteran, Bill Topham and his wife Eileen were driving along Hwy. 2 when they spotted a bright orange object over the lake.

"Either we were following it, or it was following us," he said. During the 15-minute chase, they noticed two satellite objects with the main light.

In early May, Janice Morgan, along with Walter and Joan Leigh, watched out of their Colborne home as a deep orange light hovered over Lake Ontario. Suddenly out of the eastern sky, another smaller orange light shot at incredible speed and stopped near the main light. They hovered together for about three minutes before the small light shot off.

The larger object vanished as if "someone flicked a switch," said Janice Morgan.

Witnesses at first thought the orange lights were flares from search and rescue missions from nearby CFB Trenton.

But no witnesses reported hearing sounds of planes or helicopters and sightings lasted up to 25 minutes. Flares typically last 6 minutes. In one case, a witness phoned an operations manager at CFB Trenton who confirmed two planes were out that night - but no helicopters and no flares.

In an interview two weeks ago, Capt. Pete Peterson, a spokesman for CFB Trenton, confirmed that search and rescue crews were out on June 15 and June 23, nights when two of the sightings took place.

Although flares burn mostly white, he said, fog, pollution and perspective may give them an orangy color.

Lourenco said he doesn't have enough data to account for the sightings while pointing out that the sightings could be prototype aircraft or military exercises.

"We have to give CFB Trenton the benefit of the doubt and do a bit more research onthat."

"In general they don't lie but it doesn't mean they're telling the whole thing," he said.

Other sightings since June 23 include:

• A fast moving light was reported near Bradford.

• A bluish yellow light moving slowly near King City.

• A Brighton resident looked out her window and watched for 25 minutes as about 10 smaller lights moved intermittently towards a bright orange object hovering, disappearing when they collided with it.



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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