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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1633543996
Added Wed, 06/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Садбери, ON

The author of the original material received the following email from JG:

"The subject of UFOs fascinates me. I spent many hours looking at the stars, hoping to see something as strange as I saw many years ago. As a teenager, I hung out with friends. I lived in Gatchell, and in those days we loved parties! That evening I happened to be face to face with the southern sky when I saw "something". I clearly remember this event. 

The object was moving from west to east; he was quite tall and resembled a satellite. I was following the object for a while when it suddenly turned 90 degrees to the south. He did not make an arc, turned smoothly and headed south! I know what I've seen, and I've never seen anything like it before.

Mike, we have a place on Manitoulin, and we go there every weekend. One day a local man came up to me and asked if we had seen anything strange the night before, but we didn't. Apparently, people saw strange lights last night. The conversation turned to the topic of UFOs when he mentioned the landing site of two ships that were supposed to land in the early 90s. The place is located in the Spring Bay area, which is just a few minutes from our house. Do you have any information about this event or do you know if I can study it?".


Original news

Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000.
Location: Sudbury, Ontario.

I received this following e-mail from JG:


The "UFO"subject fascinates me. I've spent many of hours with my eye pointed to the stars hoping to view something as strange as I viewed many years ago. I was in my teen years hanging around with some friends. I lived in Gatchell and in those days we liked to party! This particular evening I happened to be facing the southern sky when I saw "something". I remember the event vividly. The object was travelling from the west to the east; it was quite high and appeared to resemble a satellite. I followed the object for a short while when it suddenly turned 90 degrees towards the south. It did not arc, turn gently it headed south! Well I know what I saw and I have not seen anything turn like it to this day.

Mike, we have a place on Manitoulin and head there every weekend. One day a resident came over and asked if we had seen anything weird the night before, which we didn't. Apparently people had seen strange lights the night before. Well the conversation headed towards the UFO topic when he mentioned a landing site of two craft which were to supposedly have landed in the early 90's. The site is in the Spring Bay area which happens to be only minutes from our place. Do you have any info on this event or do you know were I can research it? Thanks for reading and keep up the good work.'



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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