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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1633544682
Added Wed, 06/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Блинд-Ривер, ON

On Sunday, January 21, the author of the original material received the following email:

"Hello. I would like to announce my appearance. It happened in Blind River, Ontario. August 24 is the night of the Perseid meteor shower. I really forgot the exact date. Anyway, a friend and I were traveling on the Northern Canal outside of Blind River. On the way back we were at the mouth of the river and got stuck on an island.\

I think it's a nature reserve. We were there to photograph wildlife, but we were never picked up. On the third night we decided to try to photograph meteors, but as soon as it got dark, Borialis appeared, which I had never seen before, so I shot films depicting the aurora. 

By about 3 o'clock in the morning we were full and decided to go to bed. We went to the beach to bury our food, and my buddy Cain says, "Rich, what is this?"

I turn around and look, and over the trees on the other side of the river there was a huge white light with a red light above. . Under the lights was a flat black space that we believed was the rest of the ship, the sky was illuminated by the background moon over the lake that night.

We both ran up to this big rock where we had spent hours and watched it. it swayed like a float on water, but it didn't move.

We've been watching for about 7 minutes or so, and all this time, I grabbed a magnetic flashlight and started SOS again and again, hoping to get a reaction from him, but nothing happened. 

I realized then: "camera, fool!" and I ran to the camp, put on my 400mm lens, screwed it to a tripod and aimed at it. Once in the viewfinder, he disappeared into thin air. I couldn't tell how far it was or how high it was, but it was close, or at least it wasn't far, you know. My buddy will confirm it if you want. 

But I'd like to know if anyone else reported it that night. Thanks again."


Original news

Date: Thursday, August 24, 1999.
Location: Blind River, Ontario.

On Sunday, January 21, I received the following e-mail:

'Hi. I would like to report my sighting. It happened in Blind River, Ont. on Aug 24, the night of the Perseids meteor shower; I really forgot the exact date. Anyhow, my buddy and I were backpacking along the North Channel out of Blind River. On our way back, we were at the river mouth stuck on an island; it's a Nature reserve, I think. We were there to photograph the wildlife but our pick up never came. On the third night, we decided to try and photograph meteors but as soon as it turned dark, the Borialis was going on and I never seen it before so I was shooting rolls of film of the aurora. At about 3 a.m., we had enough and decided to go to sleep. We went to the beach to bury our food and Cain, my bud, says: 'Rich, what's that?" I turn and look and above the trees on the other side of the river was a huge white light with a red light on top. Under the lights was a flat black space we figured was the rest of the ship, the sky was backlit from the full moon over the lake that night. We both ran up on this big rock we spent hours on and watched it. It sort of bobbed around like a bobber on water but it didn't travel. We watched for about 7 minutes or so and during that time, I grabbed the mag light and started to S.O.S. it over and over, hoping to get a reaction from it but nothing ever happened. I realized then 'camera, fool!' and ran to camp and put on my 400mm lens, screwed it on the tripod and aimed at it. As it came into the viewfinder, it disappeared in thin air. I couldn't tell how far it was or how high it was, but it was close or least it wasn't far away, you know. My bud will confirm this if you like. But what I'd like to know is if anyone else reported it that night. Thanks again.'


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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