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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1491976799
Added Wed, 12/04/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Оррингтон, ME
United States

Resident of Orrington, located in the North-Eastern United States in Maine, said about the night encounter with a triangular UFO. It all started on Friday the 13th around midnight. Four friends will always remember January 13, 2017, because we have gathered together not only to celebrate the birthday of one of them, and experience a real adventure.

They met after work and climbing into a new car, went to a huge shopping Mall "Walmart", where we played video games until closing.

"We came from "Walmart" about 11 o'clock in the evening and on the way to Arrington after turning on the brewer lake road noticed that above the dam on the lake appeared red light," said one of the guys that was driving the car.

It happened near the Bangor international airport, so everyone thought that the dam parallel to the road flying to land the plane. But this aircraft with red lights was something unusual.

"When we saw the lights, I began to tell, as last January saw a real UFO. We approached the lights closer, and I continued to talk about UFOs, and suddenly it seemed to me that the triangular object, which was quite high in the sky, heard my story and began to approach us," continued the witness described how the object began to descend.

"He was in one plane with the horizon, and then bent down 30 degrees in one direction and then in another. His movements were like falling to the ground a feather or a leaf."

When the triangle approached the car at 100 feet away, all the passengers felt panic. According to the driver, he stopped the car and opened all the Windows, and then they heard "dead silence". Silent is reassured of friends and they started to see a black equilateral triangle with a length of about 15 meters, which at every vertex glowed bright red lights and a white light glowed in the center.

One of my friends in the back seat pulled out his iPhone and tried to remove the mysterious object. But after watching the video it was only a black screen. The driver began to move slowly along the road, because the object continued to approach them. When friends moved already to a considerable distance and turned in the direction of Bucksport, lake saw another triangular UFO.

"He moved over the lake towards the black triangle. Perhaps it was a plane but it was very quiet. I continued to go very slowly, and then stopped. We talked and decided to turn back to investigate," the eyewitness added that they returned to the place where I first saw the object, but the UFO was gone.

"It's been so many weeks, and I continue to dream of the 4 or 5 minutes of my life. It's so weird that it all happened on Friday the 13th. I jotted down a little sketch, blue color showed the lamps which in fact was red."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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