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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Sun, 23/10/2022
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Pegasus or πήγασος is a winged horse from ancient Greek mythology.

According to one version, he was born a gorgon Medusa from Poseidon. Jumped out of the body of a Jellyfish together with his brother warrior Chrysaor after Perseus cut off her head. According to another version, it was generated by the blood of a Jellyfish that landed on earth.

Since the horse was born at the source of the Ocean, it was called Pegasus (Greek. "stormy current"). It flies with the speed of the wind.

In the host of the Olympian gods, P., as a servant of Zeus, carries his thunder and lightning, symbolizing a thunder (winged) cloud. In later legends, he became one of the horses of Eos and the society of the Muses — in the latter because he stopped Mount Helikon with a blow of his hoof, which began to waver at the sound of the songs of the muses. A source of Hypocrene was formed at the site of the impact from his hoof.

Other winged horses in folklore:

Phenomenon in mass culture

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