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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Mon, 09/01/2023
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An evil spirit harming horses in the form of a half-man-half-horse in Belarusian folklore. Belarusians imagine him with a human body covered with horse hair, and the same arms and legs; with a horse's head and the same hooves on his hands and feet, and believe that he sometimes walks like a horse on all fours, and sometimes, imitating a man, on his hind legs.

At night, he usually jumps up alternately on each horse, separated from each other by partitions, and in every possible way presses, squeezes and torments it to the death until finally the horse runs out of strength and falls dead. Then he climbs into another, third stall, etc. and, thus, during the night, manages to torture all the horses.

Phenomenon in mass culture

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