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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1675370234
Added Thu, 02/02/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Мобил, AL
United States

This report was originally published in the APRO Bulletin for 1984 (the newsletter of the Air Phenomena Research Organization). New illustrations provided by Jim McNeil.

The following case is the result of a tip provided by APRO Bob Gribble from the Phenomenon Research hotline. The subsequent investigation was completed by Field Investigator Ed O. Brown. The name of the witness and some identifying names of the exact location have been changed to protect them.

Mrs. Pat Norris, twenty-eight years old, lived with her husband Carl and three children in a suburb of Mobile, Alabama. On the evening of February 3, 1983, she visited a friend in Mobile, and when the friend's husband returned from work, Mrs. Norris left and headed home along Highway 90.

When she turned off the highway, she heard an explosion. At that moment, her car began to vibrate, which made it difficult for her to drive. She turned off the road she was driving on again, stopped the car, opened the door and leaned out to find out the cause of the problem.

Mrs. Norris continued to move, and the vibration stopped. She turned onto another road and saw that the forest ahead was brightly lit.

At first she thought that a helicopter was searching because of the lights, and she was very scared. She stopped the car again and at that moment saw a huge object about half a mile to the west of her.

Later, she thought that the explosion she had heard earlier was an object that had fallen on a clay and gravel quarry nearby.

The thing was huge—later estimated to be seven to eight stories (70 to 80 feet) tall and "six telephone poles" (210 feet) wide-and seemed to be moving toward her at four or five miles an hour.

The evening was clear and cool, and she drove with the windows closed. After the explosion, she noted "a chopping wind, a piercing sound and a roaring sound," as well as vibration. She noted "a whipping wind, similar to a tornado."

When the object reached a point fairly close to Mrs. Norris, the object stopped and all the noise stopped. It was completely quiet, and Mrs. Norris had lost all the fear she had felt before. Then she got out of the car to get a better look. She tried to delve into every detail, feeling like a child who was "incredibly lucky."

Carl Norris, Pat's husband, said that although his wife told him about her sighting after it happened, he didn't realize how important it was to her until she started borrowing books from the local library regarding UFOs and related subjects.

Mrs. Norris estimated the duration of the observation at five minutes. When the vessel appeared, Mrs. Norris's attention was attracted by the upper deck with a long window, which, according to her estimate, was fifty-three feet, and through which she saw twenty or thirty people, clearly unaware of her presence, who were walking around as if changing clothes. shift.

The wall behind them was curved and white, there were no tools. People didn't seem to be looking out the window. The creatures were pale-skinned and dressed in white overalls.

She estimated them to be about five feet ten inches tall, quite slender, but with breasts larger than ours, the crown more prominent and without hair.

She didn't notice anything unusual in their eyes. What really caught her attention was the great grace of their movements. The general atmosphere seemed "sterile".

An illustration of the observation based on the original sketches in the APRO bulletin. Click to enlarge. (Source: John McNeil)

There was an opaque window under this window on the upper deck. Everything was white. This lower window has been divided into inserts. The glass was tinted.

Below the center of the ship, a door was closing from right to left. She could see rivets and portholes all over the ship. She said she could see the portholes when she peered into the ship.

She saw some kind of construction that included "huge I-beams, from which ships are assembled, and beams holding glass there." The bottom side was a tier up. The design reminded her of a ship or a submarine. She said it seemed possible that it could have been built here on Earth.

The very bottom of the ship was formed in the form of a cross consisting of one-foot mirrors and an observation deck hanging down and around the bottom with creatures on it.

At the same time, unlike the upper deck, people were looking out, and above her head she heard a very low, but clearly audible (almost like a growl) "announcement" coming from the observation deck area.

Mrs Norris said she believed the creatures were unaware of her presence until they were directly above her.

She saw four pipes sticking out of the ship by six to eight feet, set in square boxes by three to four feet. They had a hollow flange at the end, like a tank gun, and she thought "it looked like a weapon."

The ship turned south, moving away from where she was parked. She said he stayed in a wooded area and never crossed Highway 90 again.

It illuminated the wooded area and the space below it as it moved on. It had white spotlights, and on the sides were blue and red lights that mixed, pointing up at the clouds and then down to the Ground.

After the object disappeared from sight, Mrs. Norris continued her journey home and arrived at 1:10 a.m.

Original news

This report was originally published in the 1984 APRO Bulletin (newsletter of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization). New illustrations have been provided by Jim MacNeill.

The following case is the result of a lead furnished to APRO by Bob Gribble of the Phenomena Research Hot Line. The follow-up investigation was completed by Field Investigator Ed O. Brown. The name of the witness and some identifying names of the exact location have been changed to protect the principle, as requested.

Mrs. Pat Norris, twenty eight years old, lived with her husband, Carl, and three children in a suburb of Mobile, Alabama. On the evening of February 3, 1983, she had visited a friend in Mobile, and when the friend’s husband arrived from work, Mrs. Norris left and headed home on Highway 90.

As she turned off the highway, she heard an explosion. At this point, her car began to vibrate, making it difficult for her to steer. She negotiated another turn off the road she was on, brought the car to a halt, opened the car door, and leaned out to ascertain the cause of the problem.

Object Seen

Mrs. Norris continued driving, and the vibrating stopped. She turned onto another road and saw that the woods ahead were brilliantly illuminated.

At first she thought that there was a helicopter search in progress because of the lights, and she was very frightened. She again stopped the car, and at this point, she sighted a huge object about half a mile west of her.

She later thought that the explosion she had heard earlier was the object coming down over a clay and gravel pit in the vicinity.

Illustration of the sighting based off of the original sketches in the APRO Bulletin. Click to enlarge. (Credit: John MacNeill)

The thing was huge—later estimated to be seven to eight stories (70 to 80 feet) high and “six telephone poles” (210 feet) wide—and appeared to be moving toward her at four or five miles per hour.

The evening had been clear and cool, and she had driven with the car windows closed. After the explosion, she noted a “chopping wind, a high-pitched sound, and a roaring sound” as well as the vibration. She noted the “whipping of the wind—like a tornado.”

Fear Gone

When the object reached a point fairly close to Mrs. Norris, the object halted and all of the noise stopped. It was completely silent, and Mrs. Norris lost all the fear she had felt before. She then got out of the car to get a better look. She strained to take in every detail—feeling like a child with “unbelievable happiness.”

Carl Norris, Pat’s husband, said that although his wife told him of her sighting after it happened, he didn’t realize how important it was to her until she started checking books out of the local library pertaining to UFOs and related subjects.

Mrs. Norris estimated the time duration of the sighting as five minutes. As the craft appeared, Mrs. Norris’s attention was drawn to a top deck with a long window she estimated to be fifty-three feet and through which she viewed twenty or thirty persons, apparently oblivious of her presence, walking about as if they were changing shift.

The wall behind them was curved and white. There were no instruments. The people did not appear to look out the window. The beings were pale-skinned and dressed in white one-piece suits.

She judged them to be about five-feet-ten-inches tall, quite slender, but with chests larger than ours, the top of the head more prominent, and no hair.

She noticed nothing out of the ordinary about their eyes. What did draw her attention was the great grace of their movements. The overall atmosphere seemed “sterile.”

Illustration of the sighting based off of the original sketches in the APRO Bulletin. Click to enlarge. (Credit: John MacNeill)

Details Observed

Below this top-deck window was an opaque window. The area around it was all white. This lower window was in sections and was inset. The glass was tinted.

Below the center of the craft, a door was closing from right to left. All across the craft, she saw rivets and portholes. She said she could see the portholes as she peered into the craft.

She saw some construction that included “huge I beams like they put ships together with, and beams holding the glass in there.” The bottom side was tiered upwards. The construction reminded her of a ship or submarine. She said it seemed possible that it could have been constructed here on Earth.

The very bottom of the craft was formed into a cross, made with one foot mirrors and an observation deck hung down and around the bottom with beings in it.

In this case, unlike the top deck, the people were peering out, while overhead she heard a very low-pitched but clearly audible (almost like a growl) “announcement” coming from the area of the observation deck.

Mrs. Norris said she believed that the beings didn’t realize she was there until they were directly over her position.

She saw four pipes projecting six to eight feet out from the craft set in three or four foot square boxes. They had a hollow flange on the end like a tank cannon, and she believed “it looked like a weapon.”

The craft took a southerly turn as it went on from where she was parked. She said it was staying in the wooded area and did not cross Highway 90 again.

It lit up the wooded area and the area beneath it as it moved on. It had white spotlights, and it had blue and red lights on its sides that intermingled, pointing up to the clouds and then down to Earth.

After the object was out of sight, Mrs. Norris continued home, arriving at 1:10 a.m.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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