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A car exploded over the English Channel

Added Tue, 14/02/2023
Дата публикации
Tue, 14/02/2023

The asteroid flew over the English Channel, presenting to the astonished locals in the form of a huge fireball around 3 a.m. on February 13.

A small asteroid, currently designated as Sar2667, exploded after entering the Earth's atmosphere. It was visible from almost the entire territory of Southern England and Wales, as well as in the south, up to Paris.

For only the seventh time in history, scientists were able to predict when and where an explosion would occur by noticing the approach of a celestial body just a few hours before the event.

American physicist Mark Boslow reported that although "explosions of this size occur somewhere several times a year," they are "rarely detected in advance."

In fact, this is only the seventh case in history when an asteroid flyby was predicted, and the first case when it happened over a populated area and the opportunity to get data about the flyby from local residents.

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