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Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1481126578
Added Wed, 07/12/2016
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

After five hours on duty in the Palace of Stanley, located in the English city of Chester, researchers of the paranormal have received evidence of the existence of two ghostly figures in hoods.

Ghostbusters and 15 members of the public organized a search of ghosts in the Palace of Stanley, which is the most visited building on Watergate street.

Creepy hooded figures coming down the stairs, and the Ghost of the woman in the mirror was photographed during a permanent five-hour observation. Overnight guests have also heard strange noises, seen creepy shadows and claim to have communicated with the Ghost children and the man who once worked with the Sheriff of Chester.

Stanley Palace was built in 1591 by Peter Warburton. After his death in 1621 the house was inherited by his daughter Elizabeth and her husband sir Thomas Stanley, who changed the name of the house, which is known today.

The researchers testified that they had seen the Ghost of lady Elizabeth, passing through the wall, the man in the clothes of the era of the Tudor-officer during the Second world war, a woman with gray hair who played the piano Sonata by Brahms, and three children playing on the stairs.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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