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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1522922096
Added Thu, 05/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

An eyewitness account:

Hello. Want to share a story that happened also with me.

I myself am a skeptic and try not to believe all the stories, or the stories. Also I am a person who aspires to knowledge and science and used to find all rational explanation. But coupled with me history has changed my view about this world and I'm starting to listen to people and to some superstitions.

I was 9 years old when I first noticed an unusual phenomenon. It was in 1989 when I was in the summer in the village. I started to hear and feel behind someone's breath and presence, while was alone in the house. After that, until 2012, did not notice anything else.

In 2012 I turned 32, finished College, got a job, bought a long-awaited apartment, made repairs. Happily moved with his family into a new apartment, but the neighbors on the floor of his did not know. As time went on. Some neighbors, as later learned, had retired, often met them in the entrance - Hello.

But the other saw only once. But every night heard him through the wall. I realized one thing. It doesn't work. Drink. Friends and family and never saw who came to see him, about age 50. Was dysfunctional and apartments, in addition to the noise at night was heard and a terrible stench. Over time, resigned to his door. And one day noticed that it was not heard. Somehow it was quiet. I thought, either from binge came out, or moved somewhere else. Been a month, I went to the second. The stink in the stairwell was growing. The stench was terrible and sickening. The idea was to knock the door or call the police. But somehow it was not before. Family, work and other chores.

And from that moment the apartment starts to happen something strange. Began to disappear the small things, and after they were found in the most inexplicable places. One wall was covered in black fungus is one that and lived a dysfunctional neighbor. The cat started acting strangely. Constantly looking at the wall and hissed. But then the unknown became blatantly manifest themselves in his eyes.

First time the wife jumped out with the bath fearfully cried that objects in the mirror started to move her eyes. The second time he personally observed the movement of objects in the bathroom. From what shivers ran through the body.

The third time started children's toys to squeak. Which made sounds only with a sharp click. At this point, the child was in the room and after the pile of toys got and showed me the one that is alone issued a squeak. He pressed on it to show squeaked this toy. In addition to all the nights in the kitchen constantly rattled the dishes like someone, it was corrected. Was still days.

The wall had turned black from fungus is completely. Started to sand and repaint. About the apartment our friends advised us to sanctify and to hang the icon. It ended one day, when I arrived the police opened the door of a neighbor. When I saw in the entrance of the police, I already understood everything. I was invited understood and still insisted I go to his apartment and witness his death.

It was a horrible dark dirty flat, where the room on the sofa lay a bloated body and was the worst sickening stench of the corpse. Police said later that the body was lying about 40 days. As the body was removed, all the strange in the house once ended. Subjects stood on their seats and the cat was fine. Later a neighbor's apartment gave the authorities a normal family that made there repair.

In this story I did not describe some of the incidents that also occurred during those 40 days, as they could well be understandable domestic reasons. But I note that the mirror in our bathroom was distorted, I had to replace it. That's about it. Thank you.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Couple of essential oils of poisonous plants and gases from the bowels of the earth

When hit in a certain place, a feeling of someone's presence, starts the headaches, confusion. Can you hear some voices. Such a place can act selectively, killing only birds, only small animals, etc.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Some effects can be associated with toxic and other secretions of the rotting corpse.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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