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Wandering Fire. Spain

ID #1530719651
Added Wed, 04/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A local farmer, 39-year-old Nicolas Sanchez Martin known by his nickname of "colas" back home, accompanied by two local women, Maria Iglesias and her sister Pepa's, after the sale of pigs at a nearby market.

Within the private field, all three noticed a strange light floating above the neighbouring river. Two women decided to return, but Nicholas continued on his way.

When he attempted to cross the river, a strange light flew in his direction and apparently was waiting for him on the other side of the river, floating just above the ground. Nicolas and his donkey crossed the river, but immediately after that a strange light blocked their path. It seemed that every time he tried to move in a certain direction, the light blocked it.

A little exasperated, "Kolas" grabbed a machete and yelled at the light to get out. The light flew to the donkey, scaring the poor animal.

The light finally disappeared, but "colas" remained in shock and was breathing heavily. Soon "Kolas" healthy and strong man became terminally ill, and for the next nine days remained bedridden until he finally died on the ninth day.

Doctor don Victor Sanchez Hoyos attributed the death to sudden pulmonary edema, but the family "Kolas" was convinced that the strange ball of light has caused the death of their loved one.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Local pig farmer, 39-year old Nicolas Sanchez Martin known by his nickname of “Colas” was returning home, accompanied by two local women, Maria Iglesias and her sister Pepa, after selling some of the hogs at a nearby market. Near an isolated field all three noticed a strange light floating above the nearby river, concerned the two women decided to return and to continue no further, but Nicolas continued on with his donkey and armed with a machete. As he attempted to cross the river, the strange light flew in his direction and apparently waited for him on the other side of the river, floating just above the ground. Undaunted Nicolas and his donkey crossed the river but as immediately after the strange light blocked their path. It seemed that every time he attempted to move a certain direction the light would block him. Somewhat annoyed, “Colas” grabbed his machete and yelled at the light to leave or he would “make it leave”. At this, the light flew towards the donkey scaring the poor animal, which “Colas” had to almost drag away from the area. The light finally vanished, but “Colas” remained almost in shock and breathless. Soon “Colas” a healthy and strong man, became deathly ill, and during the following nine days remained bedridden in wrenching pain, he died finally on the ninth day. The attending physician Don Victor Sanchez Hoyos attributed his death to sudden pulmonary edema, but “Colas” family was convinced that the strange ball of light had caused their loved one’s demise.


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