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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1612710127
Added Sun, 07/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Bashkortostan, Respublika

An anonymous male witness noticed a "flying saucer" with a diameter of about 40 meters, it was an object in the form of a disk with a gradual dome, which hovered about 3 meters above the ground. 

The witness felt a warmth come over him, and his mood became very cheerful. He felt a certain attraction to the floating object.

He walked up to it, stopped about 10-15 meters from the disk, and began to look at it. The disk sank closer to the ground, a hatch opened and two " men " emerged, each more than two meters tall and both dressed in silver suits. 

They began a telepathic conversation with the witness. They told him to come over and not be afraid. Then they touched him, and he was allowed to touch them. After this initial "introduction", they entered the ship through an elevator-like entrance. Inside, the witness did not notice anything particularly complicated, the disc's cabin was quite simple in design. The witness noticed that his dirty footprints were left on the floor of the alien ship. 

Right after he pointed this out to the aliens, a "cleaning machine" came into the room and immediately cleaned his shoes and the dirty footprints on the floor. 

Then one of the aliens said that they were "guests in their time, and that he was a guest on their ship", he called himself Abaris. The witness also introduced himself. The leader of the "aliens" then asked the witness what "time they appeared". 

He told them:

"In 1989, October 21." 

Arabis said that this answer meant nothing to them, and asked the following question:

"How much time has passed since then, as the continents split up?" (!)

The witness said he didn't know, but told them that the Earth is about 5 billion years old, and the universe is at least 15. The "aliens" then told him that a civilization existed on Earth before the continents split into about 35,000. many years ago. He claimed that during the experiments with the particle accelerator, a "Great Calamity" occurred, which changed the conditions on Earth to an unacceptable state and caused a continental shift. The catastrophe occurred due to ignorance of the entire energy substance. The total energy was thought to be E = MC2, but after the crash it was obviously 30 degrees higher. After the disaster, some residents escaped in a time machine. 

The witness then asked why they couldn't go back in time using a time machine and prevent a disaster. The answer was this:

"According to the principles of Nature, time travel to the past is impossible, only time travel to the future is possible." 

The witness then asked the "alien" how much time had passed since they had set out on the journey from their time period. The alien said:

"If we could avoid the time traps on our watch, it's already been 27 minutes, for you it's 1/50 of a day." 

The witness then asked, " How can all your civilizations meet at the same time?" The answer was that their security measures would not work, that they had installed them very securely. At the same time, the time beacons would inform them of the end of the journey, they said that they had many secrets that few people knew about, that civilization needed to be protected from various and unexpected things.

The witness told the "alien" that he had heard rumors that humanity would die out if they did not change their way of life by the year 2000, he wanted to know if this was true. The answer was that from the point of view of their mutual interests of both "parallel" civilizations, the trouble should never happen again, they were now working on correcting the "mistake". 

Then the witness is asked how it is possible to travel in time. He was told that there are 6 degrees of "freedom" in space: forward, backward, left, right, up and down, and one degree in time - to the future. There were seven degrees of movement in total. Apparently, they had the ability to slow down time and eliminate the need for a large energy consumption. To understand this in practice, it is necessary to know the theory of superconductivity, as well as overliquidity and sverkhplastichnost.

Original news

Date: October 21 1989
Location: Sibay, Bashkortostan Republic, Russia
Time: daytime
Summary: An anonymous male witness noticed a “flying saucer” about 40 meters in diameter, it was a disc-shaped object with a gradual dome and it was hovering about 3 meters over the ground. The witness felt warmth overtake him and his mood became very jovial. He felt somehow attracted to the hovering object. He walked towards it and stopped at about 10-15 meters from the disk and began looking at it. The disk descended closer to the ground and a hatch opened and two “men” stepped out, each one was more than 2 meters in height and both were dressed in silvery suits. They began a telepathic conversation with the witness. They told him to approach and not to be afraid. They then touched him and he was allowed to touch them. After this initial “introduction” they entered the craft via an elevator-like entrance. Inside the witness did not notice anything specially complicated, the disk’s cabin appeared to be quite simply built. The witness noticed that his dirty tracks were left imprinted on the floor of the alien craft. Right after he pointed that out to the aliens some kind of “cleaning machine” entered the room and immediately cleaned his boots and the dirty tracks on the floor. One of the alien visitors then told that they were “guests in his time and that he was a guest onboard their craft” he called himself Abaris. The witness then also introduced himself. The “alien” leader then asked the witness in what “time had they appeared”. He told them, “in the year 1989, the date October 21”. Arabis said that such answer did not mean anything to them, and asked the following question, “How much time had passed since the continents became separated?” (!). The witness said he did not know but told them that the earth was about 5 billion years old and the Universe no less than 15. The “aliens” then told him that civilization had existed on Earth before the continents had drifted apart roughly about 35 thousand years ago. He claimed that during experimentation with accelerator of elementary particles “the Great calamity” had occurred, it had changed conditions on earth to an inappropriate state and had triggered a continental shift. The disaster had occurred because of ignorance of the complete energy substance. It was considered that the full energy was E=MC2, but after the calamity it was apparently 30 degrees higher. After the calamity some of the inhabitants escaped using a time machine. The witness then asked why couldn’t they returned to the past using the time machine and prevent the calamity. The answer was, “According to the principles of Nature time travel to the past is impossible, only time travel to the future is possible”. The witness then asked the “alien” how much time had passed from the moment they had started traveling from their time period. The alien said, “If we could escape the traps of time, by our clock, already 27 minutes have passed, for you is 1/50 of a day.” The witness then asked, “How can all of your civilization meet simultaneously”? The answer was that, their safety measures of time would work, that they had installed them very solidly. Simultaneously, time beacons will inform them about the end of their trip, they said they had many secrets that few knew about, that civilization must be preserved from different and unexpected things. The witness told the “alien” that he had hear rumors that humanity will be extinct if they did not change their ways by the year 2000, he wanted to know if it was true. The answer was that as to their mutual interests of both “parallel” civilizations” the calamity must never repeat itself, they were working on correcting the “mistake” now. The witness then asked how was time travel possible. He was told that there were 6 degrees of “freedom” in space, forward, backward, left, right, up and down, and one degree in time—to the future. In total there were seven degrees of movement. Apparently they had the ability to slow time and eliminate the need of large consumption of energy. To realize that on practice, the theory of superconductivity must be known as well as super liquidity and super transparency. After the scientific dialogue was finished the witness stepped out of the craft and the “aliens” closed the door, the disk then zoomed up and disappeared.
Source:  Dialogue in the Flying Saucer “The Voice of Armenia” December 30 1990, By A Zinnurov.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Delta-6925 Payload: GPS-2 4 (Navstar 19, USA 47)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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