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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1616695723
Added Thu, 25/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1996 22:00
Санта-Китерия -

On a dark, cold night, the witness was in his room when a bright flash, like a light, suddenly illuminated his room. He opened the window, but could see nothing in the darkness. 

Suddenly, a kind of stupor gripped his body, and he couldn't move. He seemed to lose control of his movements, and against his will, his body rose into the air and flew out the front door into the darkness. 

He was floating directly above the ground towards the nearest forest gorge. In the ravine, he saw a bright blue disc-shaped object hovering very close to the ground. The object was completely smooth, with no visible holes. 

It seemed to be only about three meters wide and almost two meters high. He swam to a distance of two meters from the object, when suddenly a triangular-shaped hole became visible. He swam inside and descended a metal ramp into a circular room. 

There he was met by a pyramidal shape made of pure light, which seemed to be in constant dynamic motion and seemed incredibly complex. It was a "living thing" and was about 80 cm tall. The witness was afraid, because his body did not obey his will. 

As he approached the figure, he experienced a series of mood swings, from euphoria to extreme sadness. He felt as if the pyramid-shaped light creature was feeding on his emotions, he also felt like a trapped laboratory animal. His body began to perform several athletic movements against his will, moving his arms and legs in all directions. At the same time, the light pyramid has undergone several light changes. 

He soon found himself standing about 10 meters away from the ship, and saw the light pyramid soar up the ramp and penetrate the object. The object was then surrounded by a bright red light and flew into the air at an incredible speed. The witness returned home on foot.

Original news

Location. Santa Quiteria, Brazil
Date: July 1996
Time: 2200
On a dark cold night the witness was in his room when a bright flash like light suddenly illuminated his room. He opened his window but could not see anything in the dark. Suddenly a kind of a stupor invaded his body and he was unable to move. He seemed to loose control of his movements and against his will his body rose up into the air, and floated out the front door into the darkness. He floated just above the ground towards a nearby wooded ravine. In the ravine he saw a bright blue disc shaped object hovering very close to the ground. The object was completely smooth without any visible openings. It seemed to be only about 3 meters in width and almost two meters in height. He floated to within two meters of the object when suddenly a triangular shaped opening became visible. He floated inside and down a metallic ramp into a circular room. There a pyramid shaped form made out of pure light met him, it seemed to be in constant dynamic movement and appeared incredibly complex. It appeared to be a “living thing” and was about 80 cm in height. The witness felt terrified, as his body did not obey his will. As he floated near the figure he experienced a number of mood swings, from euphoria to extreme sadness. He felt as if the pyramid shaped light creature was feeding of his emotions, he also felt like a trapped lab animal. His body began performing several athletic movements against his will, moving his arms and legs in all directions. At the same time the pyramid of light went through several light changes. Soon he found himself standing about 10 meters away from the craft and saw the light pyramid floating up a ramp and into the object. The object was then encased in a bright red glow and shot up into the air at an incredible speed. The witness returned home on foot.
Source: Fenomeno Brazil


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