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UFO. Australia

ID #1617035019
Added Mon, 29/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.04.1997 20:45
Мельбурн VIC

I noticed 2 light-emitting pinkish egg-shaped objects outside of my location. They were about 50 miles away, traveling very fast in a 90-degree arc in about 10 seconds. One turned sharply to the right, then turned sharply to the left, returning to its original course. The other followed, seemingly to the nearest millimeter. Finally, about to the south, they turned right and disappeared into the distance. 

I called the Victorian UFO Society, which was receiving reports of UFOs in areas we had sighted 40 to 50 miles away. My son also witnessed them. 

Too fast and too cool to be what we know. Just before the store closed, I was telling the boys about Hale Bopp's comet, which should be visible at the end of the month; this conversation naturally prompted me to look at the sky after leaving the factory. The first thing that I think caught my eye when observing from the northwest was the speed of the two objects, and then the color. 

I looked at them, trying to figure out what they were. My curiosity turned to amazement when one object turned sharply to the right. 

I then shouted to my son," Look at the pink lights, " which he saw directly without assistance, then the object turned sharply to the left on its original course. 

I was even more surprised by the second object, which followed the first one along the flight path with millimeter accuracy, as if they were playing"follow the leader". The objects continued their course until they approached the south, where they turned right, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

1 / Due to understanding (as much as possible) the distance to the nearest 4.2 LY star that can support planets, I have never really seen or believed in UFOs. Now I'm not quite sure.

2 / I am an amateur astronomer and therefore familiar with the night sky; I know the difference between stars, planets, satellites, lights and reflections, planes, balloons, distance, etc. These objects were definitely none of the above.

3 / I would estimate these objects to be about 50 miles away.

4 / Today I received a notification of one sighting at Werribee and two sightings at Melton, confirming our detection and placement of objects at the same time and on the same flight path. 

5 / They passed in an arc of about 90 degrees in about 10 seconds about 50 miles away. Too fast for anything I know.

6 / They were at an altitude of about 40 degrees.

7 / They turned a sharp corner for everything I know. Very straight 45 degrees to the right / 45 degrees to the left-no arc.

Original news

Date:  April 3 1997
Location: Melbourne VIC, Australia
Time: 20:45
Summary: At approx. 20.45 I noticed 2 light emitting pinkish egg shaped objects n/w of my position. They were approx 50 miles away travelling extremely fast thru a 90 degree arc in approx 10 sec. One turned sharply right then sharply left back to its original course. The other followed seemingly to the millimeter. Finally at about s/w they turned right & disappeared into the distance. I rang the Victorian UFO Society who had received reports of UFO’s in the areas we viewed 40 to 50 miles away. My son also witnessed them. Too fast & cornered too sharp to be anything we Know. Just prior to closing shop I had been informing the boys about comet Hale Bopp which should be visible at the end of the month; this conversation naturally induced me to look at the sky once exiting the factory. The first thing which I believe caught the corner of my eye from the N/W was the speed of the two objects then the color. I stared at them trying to define what they were. My curiosity turned to astonishment when one object turned hard right. ( I then yelled to my son ” check out the pink lights” which he sighted directly without assistance) the object then banked hard left to its original course. To further my astonishment was the second object which followed the first through its flight path seemingly to the millimeter as if they were playing follow the leader. The objects continued on their course until they were approx s/w where they turned right and rapidly disappeared into the distance.1/ Due to comprehending(as best my mind can) distance to the nearest star 4.2 LY which may support planets I have never really believed in UFO’s. Now not so sure.2/I am an amateur astronomer & therefore familiar with the night sky; I know the difference between stars,planets, satellites, lights & reflections,planes, balloons, distance etc. These objects were definitely none of the above.3/I would estimate these objects to be approx 50 miles away.4/Today I received notification of one sighting in Werribee & 2 sightings in Melton verifying our sighting and placing the objects at the same time and flight path. 5/They traveled thru an arc of about 90 degrees in about 10 secs approx 50 miles away. Too fast for anything known to me.6/They were at approx 40 deg altitude.7/ They cornered to sharply for anything known to me. Very direct 45 deg right/45 deg left- no arc.8/Referring to a map with the information available it is possible they did a Zig-Zag turn to avoid flying directly over Melton or another small town in that proximity.9/It was possible to see they were solid egg shaped objects emitting a pinkish glow.10/ They were to far away for sound if they making any.11/Both I (age 40) & my son (age 20) believe what we saw to be controlled flight, flying solid objects without obvious propulsion outside the limitations of anything we know.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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