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UFO. India

ID #1624622205
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
13.05.2007 21:40

A moving array of tiny lights behind the central sky line from south to north was seen four times with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

Event description: During a random stargazing on the night of May 13, 2007 (time around 21: 40) (lying on a flat terrace (third floor) and looking up at the sky), I suddenly noticed a series of weak rays moving evenly in one direction. , from south to north. The view was quite faint, and if I was observing it alone, I would definitely ignore it as my illusion. 

However, I immediately asked my wife to look, pointing in the direction, and she noticed it too. We both agreed that this could not be an illusion, but, however, we differed a little in its description: I felt that it was two lights moving side by side in this direction, and the gaps between them narrowed, while my wife described it more like a V-shaped line (of lights!). 

We thought about it for a while, and then we ignored it and talked about another topic. After 2-3 minutes, we again noticed a similar movement of lights in the same direction. This time we noticed it moving across the sky, and at least I could not clearly remember its features, I felt that it was a random cluster of moving lights. 

Again, we had disagreements about its characteristics: I noticed that this is a random set of maybe 10 tiny white lights (for example, a star constellation), while my wife again described it as a V-shaped formation. 

In fact, its movement was steady, it went straight from the south direction, passing very close to the central sky line and in a northerly direction. The entire transition, I think, would have happened in 3-4 seconds. The object or thing could only be seen above the central part of the sky, and it seems that it disappears in the background above the horizon. since the sky was brighter (probably due to city lights) on the horizon (about less than 30 degrees) compared to the center. 

I accidentally mentioned that what we are seeing could be similar to many mysterious UFOs that have been reported, but not proven, about things discussed in science fiction TV programs and other media. And again seen for the third time about 2-3 minutes later, a similar moving object (by now it is appropriate to call it an object!), again moving in the same direction and in a similar way. 

After the 3rd observation, we become alert and explore the sky in search of similar observations. I was wondering if the same object passes through the sky over and over again, or are they separate objects moving one after another. I told myself that I would be attentive enough to focus on the movement and get a good idea of its features if I saw it next time. 

I sincerely hope that my wife and I were not the only ones who witnessed this, and for some reason a large number of people also observed this particular event, so it cannot be discounted as an insufficiently strong, isolated, ignored event.

I am not a big supporter of UFO sightings or theories about this. I am not the kind of person who collects information about UFOs that people report, I rather know it as one of the many interesting news / documentaries presented on the TV channel, such as discovery. In fact, I've never been curious enough to find out about it by searching / browsing websites. I do not know whether it is possible to call what I saw a UFO. But still, I list down what is so unusual about what I saw, which makes it irreplaceable (at least for me) and curious.

The object could not be an Airplane: I have never seen an airplane in the form of a set of lights lined up in the shape of an arrow. But for my fourth observation, I would not even consider a line of lights, but rather a random set of lights, in which case they would definitely not fit like the lights of some human plane. There was no sound, but it still flew by quite quickly. So, it can't just be an ordinary plane flying on the ground, which makes it seem like it's flying fast (since in this case, some sound definitely had to be heard at such a low altitude). I believe that it could not be a high-flying plane (whose sound could not be heard), because I intuitively feel that the plane will have to fly at an incredibly high speed in order for it to overcome the sky in 3-4 seconds.

It couldn't have been a meteorite: my first observation was that two tiny lights moving together could be mistaken for a meteorite or shooting stars. Well, even my second representation as a collection of lights, like a star constellation, again could not be considered just a journey through a lot of meteorite stones. But I can't definitely perceive my last observation of a well-organized V-shaped light group as just falling meteorites. In addition, will meteorites fly with such frequency (every 2-3 minutes), in the same direction and along the same path in the sky !!? Also, the lights didn't accelerate, tended to move straight at a constant speed, and no movement was bright or burnout. And the lights were uniformly illuminated (could it be a parallel set of uniformly illuminated shooting stars ??, unlikely.).

Array movement: Based only on a sample of lights, the closest I can connect is a beautiful V-shaped arrangement formed by a flock of migratory birds. But again, what is worrying about this description is: the pattern was too geometrically spaced and moved evenly to be considered as a natural phenomenon; and why do these birds fly so fast and why do they carry tiny lights with them? 

My only logical conclusion from what I have observed based on my personal experience (ignoring everything about UFOs reported by others) would be that it is either a specially created flying object created by human hands, or perhaps a secret (military or other) vehicle hidden from the view of the general public. Or is it a mysterious flying object, not proven and unknown to people. Or it may just be the chance of a random occurrence of a simultaneous hallucination of me and my wife, and this is also simultaneously 4 times, and a more or less similar hallucination of moving lights on the same path !!! 

And now, having thought about it, it may be possible to give an even simpler explanation. It's just a low-flying children's airplane-a toy or something similar, moving silently, with faint tiny lights. Or maybe a flying insect, emitting light, but again flying so evenly, hmmm it's hard to believe. 

So, this is an observation, the origin of which is unknown to me now, and perhaps I will never be able to find out for sure.

Original news

Date: May 13 2007
Location: Chennai India
Time: 21:40
Summary: A moving array of tiny lights past the sky centre line south to north, sighted four times with 2-3 minutes interval.
Event Description: During Casual gazing at the stars on 13th May 2007 night (Time around 9:40pm) (while lying on the flat terrace (third floor) and looking at the sky upwards), i suddenly noticed a set of faint light moving uniformly in one direction, from south direction to north direction. The view was pretty faint, and had i observed it alone, i would have definitely ignored it as my illusion. However, i immediately asked my wife to look at by pointing the direction, and she too spotted it. We both agreed it cannot be a illusion, but however slightly differed in its description: I felt it was two lights moving side-by-side in that direction and with the gaps between narrowing down while my wife’s described it rather as an v-shaped line (of lights!). We were wondering about it for some time, and then ignored it and were talking on some other topic. After maybe 2-3 minutes, we once again noticed a similar movement of lights, in the same direction. This time, we noticed at the fag end of its transition across the sky, and at least i could not remember clearly its features, felt it to be haphazard collection of moving lights. Again, we had a disagreement on its features: i noted it be a haphazard set of may be 10 white tiny lights (like a star constellation) while my wife once again described it as an V-line formation. Actually, its movement was steady, going straight from south direction passing very nearly to the sky centre line and towards north direction. The entire crossing, i guess would have happened in 3-4 seconds. The object, or the thing could be sighted only over the center portion of the sky, and seems to be fading in the background over the horizon, as the sky was brighter (probably due to city lights) at (about less than 30 degree) horizon compared to the centre. I was casually mentioning what we are seeing could be similar to the many mysterious UFO’s reported but not proven kind of stuff discussed in the science/science fiction TV programmes and other media. Once again, we! spotted for third time after maybe about 2-3 minutes, a similar moving object (by now, it become befitting to be called an object!), again moving in the same direction and in a similar way. After the 3rd sighting, we become alert and probed for the sky for any more such sighting. i was wondering whether it is the same object passing through the sky again and again, or if these were separate objects travelling one after the other. i told myself that i would be alert enough to focus on the movement and get a good glimpse of its features, if i see it next time. And yes, we witnessed the flying object for the fourth time, again may be after 2-3 minutes, a similar moving set of steady lights. This time, i agreed with my wife on its features. It was a V-formation of lights. My rough estimate for the angle between lines of the V would be 140 degrees!. The V-pattern was moving with its centre pivot at the front and V arrow itself pointing towards the direction of its movement. The angular distance of the object, i would put it to be around 3 degrees. We were thrilled at these sightings and hoped would to see fee more. I stargazed for another 30 minutes before giving up and we left to go to sleep. I was convinced that it was indeed an unusual event and said to myself to mark this day as memorable day of my life, lest i ignore and forget it just like those fading movement of light objects. I decided to check websites on UFO’s and report my sightings, for a general benefit. As a responsible person, i thought i should inform and record this event, so that if any/more persons sighted this like us, it would become befitting enough to do investigation and get some meaningful explanation. But, one thing’s for sure: If somebody else observed it and tells me what he/she saw, i would not have taken it seriously and most definitely ignored it, thinking that person has made somehow misjudged a simple plane as an UFO; And that people have enough personal problems to worry about, than these bizarre movements in the sky. That’s why i d! id not w ant to make a big fuss about what i saw to all the people i meet, and getting branded as an paranoid/cracknut. Instead, i have just put down all my (sincere) observations on the event in this UFO observation site, due to my own curiosity to know what i saw, and probably aid the concerned person/investigator/other UFO viewers, to make sense of these UFO’s. I sincerely hope that myself and my wife were not the only one who witnessed this, and somehow a good number of people have also watched this particular event, so that it is not discounted as an not-strong enough, isolated, ignorable event.

I am not a big advocator of UFO sightings or theories on it. I am not a person who collects information about UFO’s reported by people, but rather know it as only among one of the many interesting news/documentary reported in the TV channel like discovery. Infact, i never got curious enough to know about it by searching/browsing the websites. I do not know if what i saw is qualified to be called as an UFO. But all the same, i am listing down, what is so unusual about what i saw that makes it un-ignorable (at least to me) and curious: * The object could not be a Plane: I have never seen a plane to be shaped like array of lights lined a arrow shape. But, for my fourth sighting, i would not even consider as and line of lights, but rather a haphazard collection of of lights, in which case would definitely not fit as the lights from the some human-plane. There was no sound heard, but still flew past pretty swiftly. Thus, it could not be just an conventional plane travelling too on ground making it seem to be flying fast(as in which case some sound should have been definitely heard for such low heights). I believe that it could not be a high flying plane (whose sound could not be heard), as i intuitively feel the plane would have to travel at indeed a unbelievably high speed for it transcend the sky in 3-4 seconds. * It could not be a meteorite: My first observation as two tiny lights moving together could have probably taken as just a meteorite or shooting stars. Okay, even my second view as a collection of lights like a star constellation, again could have discounted simply as travelling of multiple number of meteorite rocks. But, i cannot definitely take my final sighting of an well arranged V-array of lights simply as falling meteorites. And also, will meteorites travel in such a periodic manner (every 2-3 minutes) and also in exactly same direction and following the same path int he sky!!? And also, the lights were not accelerating, were tending to move straight with a steady speed, and no brightening or burning out kind of movement. And the lights were uniformly light (can it be parallel set of uniformly lit shooting stars??, very unlikely.).

* Array Movement: Based on the pattern of lights alone, the closest thing that i can associate it is an beautiful V-shaped arrangement formed by a flock of migratory birds. But again, what is disturbing with this description is: The pattern was too geometrically spaced and uniformly moving for it be considered as an natural phenomena; and how come these birds are flying so fast, and why are they carrying tiny lights with them? My only logical deduction of what i observed based on my own personal experience (ignoring all about UFO reported by others), would be, that it is either a specially designed human made flying object, possibly a secretive (military or otherwise) vehicle, concealed from the purview of general public. Or, it is an mysterious flying object unproven and unknown to humans. Or it could be just chance of a chance of a chance occurrence of simultaneous hallucination of myself and my wife, and that too for concurrently 4 times, and sharing more or less the similar hallucination of moving lights in the same path!!! And now thinking about it, may be it possible to give a even simpler explanation. It is simply an low flying kids plane toy or similar such stuff, moving with no sound, with its faint tiny lights. Or, could it by flying light emitting insect, but then again flying so uniformly arranged, hmmmm hard to believe. So, this is an sighting whose origin is not known to me now, and possibly i may never be able to know for sure.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs, also sometimes shortened as BLAH; colloquially sometimes referred to as "drone" or "drone" (from the English. drone — drone)) — aircraft without crew on Board. Created for aerial shooting, monitoring ground objects and other tasks in real time.

Distinguish UAVs for military and civil purposes.

Also they are divided into:

Beetles and other insects

Flying insects in photos and videos can be mistaken for UFOs.

Shooting can take place in the daytime or in the evening. When moving, the outlines of the insect can be both blurred and clear. Depending on this, dark spots or spots of bizarre shapes can be taken for UFOs. The video shows UFOs hovering in the sky, flying in a straight line or moving along a complex trajectory (for example, shooting May bugs near a tree against the background of the evening sky). Insects can be mistaken for UFOs by accident, or given out intentionally. At night, they can be highlighted by a flash.


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Xichang Space Center (Songlin), Sichuan (China) Vehicle: CZ-3B/G2 Payload: NIGCOMSAT 1


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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