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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1625156936
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.05.2010 18:15
United Kingdom

Now I see UFOs almost every day. I am Italian, but I have been living in London for the last 25 years. It started on May 23, 2010.

My wife and I were in our garden, watching the plane, which left a long white trail. I was thinking about how bad or bad these tracks can affect our health. Suddenly I saw something at a very high altitude. It reflected the sunlight. 

At first I thought it could be a satellite visible from earth, but it changed position very quickly ... My wife saw it too. After a while, it disappeared, and I thought it was probably a UFO, and it was a pity that I didn't have my camera, when suddenly another, another, much lower in height, appeared. 

I got a little scared, and I tried to see and understand the shape. It was black, not round. I would say "in a square" with different sections, one of which is red. I still didn't have a camera. I thought that if I went upstairs, I might lose it. I ran upstairs, and when I came down, he was gone. 

Since then, I have seen UFOs every day. Today, on May 31, 2010, I saw another, different form. It was triangular with lights at the corners. 

I've tried taking pictures, but I don't know why the pictures are so bad. Maybe I'm doing something wrong with the auto focus? Now I'm thinking of buying a video camera with a good zoom. At the moment, I use binoculars.

Original news

Date: May 23 2010
Location: Thornton Heath England
Time: 18:15
Summary: Now I see ufos nearly every day I am Italian but I have been living in London for the last 25 years. It started on the 23rd of May 2010. My wife and I were in our garden watching an aeroplane wich it was leaving a long white trail. I was thinking how bad or not those kind of trails could affect on our health. Suddenly I saw something at a very high altitude. It was reflecting the sun`s light. At first I thought it could have been a satellite visible from the ground but it was changing position very fast….My wife saw it too. After a while it disappeared and I was thinking that thing was probably a ufo and it was a shame I did not have my camera with me when suddenly another different one appeared it much lower in altitude. I felt a bit scared and I tried to see and understand the shape. It was black not circular. I would say “squared” with different sections with one part in red. Still I did not have my camera. I thought if I would have gone upstairs I might have lost it. I`ve runned upstairs and when I went down it was gone. Since then I see ufos everyday. Today the 31st of May 2010 I saw another different shaped one. It was triangular with lights on the angles. I have tried to take pictures but I don`t know why the images are not good at all. Maybe I do something wrong with the automatic focus? Now I start thinking to buy a camcorder with a good zoom. At the moment I use a binocular.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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