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UFO. Russia

ID #1626606703
Added Sun, 18/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Lipetskaya oblast

Near Sukhoborye and Yaman there is the village of Karamyshevo, which can be considered the third corner of the" Bermuda " triangle of the Lipetsk region, where UFOs appear quite often.

- We came to Karamyshevo for fishing. At five in the morning  I was pumping up a rubber boat. It's pitch-dark all around. But suddenly the right bank was illuminated by a bright flash of some kind of fireball, " lipchanin Viktor Barkov told Lipetsk Media.

Barkov and his comrades initially perceived the phenomenon as an unexpectedly risen moon. But it did not glow with a cold light, but was fiery, like the Sun, only very small. Looking around, the fishermen saw a lunar crescent, but from the opposite side and almost at the zenith.

The men looked nervously at their watches. There was an hour left before sunrise. And the object did not illuminate the entire district in the sunny way, but only a small section of the opposite bank of the river. And then there was darkness. A clot of plasma melted in the sky.

One of the eyewitnesses suggested that it was a ball lightning. But there was not a cloud in the sky and nothing foreshadowed a thunderstorm. They expressed the opinion that it was a balloon or a probe, but immediately rejected this version. Because the aircraft launched from the Ground do not glow by themselves, but only reflect the sun's rays. And this object was clearly glowing, resembling a clot of plasma.

- The object was quite low above the ground. This is indicated by the shadows of trees reflected in the water. But we could not determine the distance to it. We observed a fireball for about five minutes. And then it began to fade, turned into a luminous cloud, and then completely disappeared into the predawn sky, " says Viktor Barkov.

According to the fisherman, it is not the first time he has observed such phenomena. While serving in the army in Western Ukraine in the late 70s, Barkov several times saw fireballs suddenly appearing and then suddenly disappearing in the Carpathian region. In those years, no one in the USSR had heard anything about flying saucers, and there was no such abbreviation as UFO. And the command of the military unit explained the appearance of plasma clots as an atmospheric phenomenon of the mirage type. And here is the "mirage" again, but this time in the Lipetsk region.

- We immediately forgot about fishing. And they began to look at the pictures on the phone. When you zoom in, you can see that the object is not a disk or a crescent, but an oval like an egg. So we did not see the Sun rising at night and not the second moon, but something else. The photos also show that thermal radiation is coming from a bright oval. This also confirms that we most likely saw a UFO, " Viktor Barkov believes.

Laughing, the witness added that all the fishermen were absolutely sober. They don't believe in devilry, flying saucers and alien intelligence. But they could not find an explanation for what they saw.


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