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34836 facts from 176 countries related to 1181 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2812 of them were solved, another 10850 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1633696463
Added Fri, 08/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Кобальт, ON

On October 8, the author of the original material received the following email:

"Hi, Michelle, I found your website on the Internet and decided to contact you.

I grew up in Cobalt, Ontario. When I was about 8-10 years old (1966-68), I played near my house on Lang Street, which was the main shopping street of the city. 

I remember it was a clear sunny summer afternoon (maybe around 14:00) with a beautiful clear blue sky. Suddenly I looked up above me and to the east, and about 1 hour from my location I saw a very large metal object in the shape of a silver cigar, which was moving incredibly slowly from south to north. He was practically floating, he was so slow. From where I was standing, it seemed like it was only 400 feet away from me, so I had a very clear side view. Three things struck me the most: it was huge-about 200-300 feet long and maybe 30 feet high from the side I could see. It was completely silent, as if it was a balloon; and it seemed completely out of place in the sky. I don't remember any distinctive signs, no lights, or anything like that. Certainly not a compartment under it, like an airship, because if there was one, I could say hello to the pilot... it was so close. It was completely smooth and a shiny silver color. 

I don't remember how he flew away, i.e. slowly flew away, took off in the blink of an eye ...? Three things struck me the most: it was huge-about 200-300 feet long and maybe 30 feet high from the side I could see; it was completely silent, as if it were a balloon; and it seemed completely out of place in the sky. I don't remember any distinctive signs, no lights, or anything like that. Certainly not a compartment under it, like an airship, because if there was one, I could say hello to the pilot... it was so close. It was completely smooth and a shiny silver color. I don't remember how he flew away, i.e. slowly flew away, took off in the blink of an eye...?

I've never thought about it for many years, but now I'm curious. Since it was in the city center, not in some remote area, and it was early in the afternoon, did anyone else report seeing it, and if so, was a newspaper article or report ever written? Have you come across anything as part of your research? What about a similar facility somewhere else in Northern Ont around that time? If so, I would appreciate hearing about it.

Continue in the same spirit in search of the truth!

With respect,

Bill McIntosh "

Original news

Date: Unknown 1966-1968
Location: Cobalt, Ontario

On October 8, I received the following e-mail:

"Hi Michel,

I found your web site on the internet and decided to contact you.

I grew up in Cobalt, Ont. When I was about 8-10 yrs old (1966-68), I was playing outside my house on Lang St. which was the main commercial street running through town. I remember it was a clear, sunny summer afternoon (possibly around 2 pm) with a beautiful clear blue sky. All of a sudden, I looked up above me and to the east and at about 1 o'clock from my position, I saw a very large silver cigar-shaped metalic object moving incredibly slowly from south to north. It was practically hovering, it was so slow. From where I was standing, it seemed to be only about 400 ft away from me, so I had a very clear side view of it. The three things that struck me the most were: it was huge - perhaps 200-300 ft long and maybe 30 ft high on the side I could see; it was completely silent as if it were a balloon; and it seemed totally out of place in the sky. I don't remember any distinguishing marks or lights or anything like that. Certainly not a compartment underneath like a blimp because if there was, I could have waved hello to the was that close. It was completely smooth and shiny silver in colour. I have no recollection of how it departed, i.e slowly drifted away, took off in a flash...?

I never thought much of it for many more years, but now I am curious. Because it was in the middle of town and not in some remote area and it was in the early afternoon, did anyone else report seeing it and if so, was there ever a newspaper article or report done? Have you come across anything as part of your research? What about a similar object somewhere else in Northern Ont around that time? If so I'd appreciate hearing about it.

Keep up the great work in your search for the truth!

Bill McIntosh"


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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