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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. China

ID #1643041180
Added Mon, 24/01/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.11.1994 03:30

One of the most impressive cases occurred on November 30, 1994 at 3:30 a.m. in a horticultural farm in Southern China. 

The night watchmen were the first to pay attention to the strange celestial phenomenon. According to them, "two bright light sources appeared in the sky, followed by a dazzling sparkling ball with a tail that changed its color from yellow to green, and then to red." All this swept over them with a deafening roar, like from a train going at high speed.

This "flying train" cut off the tops of trees, leaving stumps no more than two meters high from the ground, at a distance of three kilometers with a width of "clearing" from 150 to 300 meters. The professor is convinced that such damage could not be the result of a natural phenomenon, such as a strong hurricane. This version was immediately rejected by both representatives of the local administration and members of the COIN, who conducted a joint investigation. 

But the most mysterious thing about this incident turned out to be that the destructive force acted as if selectively: if the tops of all trees were cut off inside the clearing, without exception, then the telegraph poles and masts of the power line that were in the way of the flight of the heavenly train remained intact. 

"Fortunately, there were no casualties and injuries among people and animals," Shi Li said, "although the energy of this phenomenon was enormous. Flying over the gardens, the UFO appeared over the territory of the car-building plant. The roofs of several finished wagons standing on the factory tracks were torn off and thrown aside. Part of the UFO cars were driven along the tracks from their parking place by several tens of meters, and in one place the metal fence posts were cut off like twigs. 

One of the workers was knocked to the ground and rolled head over heels for five meters, but he escaped with only a few abrasions. According to the stories of the factory workers, they saw something huge and long in the sky, with bright lights on the sides, rushing over them with a loud noise, like a brightly lit train. When, three weeks later, the same case occurred in another horticultural farm, in Guizhou Province, the local authorities were alarmed.

- This event became known all over China, - the professor continued, - it caused a great public outcry. An investigation was organized at the state level, a special commission was created. 

However, its participants did not come to any unambiguous conclusion, they only stated that what happened was very strange and could not be reasonably explained. Simultaneously with the government commission, a group consisting of members of the COIN, as well as scientists, specialists in various fields of science worked at the scene of the events.

"All of us Chinese ufologists," Shi Li says, "decided that it was a spaceship of extraterrestrial origin. 

Apparently, he tried to land, but when he met trees on his way, he could not do it and only cut off their tops.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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