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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Netherlands

ID #1666258236
Added Thu, 20/10/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.10.2022 01:15

An eyewitness from the city of Alkmaar (North Holland region) noticed two balls of light that swept through the air at lightning speed, which change direction.

He's writing:

I went outside to smoke a cigarette. When I went out the back door, I reflexively shrank slightly, seeing that something was coming out of the corner of my eye. At least, that's what I thought. At the same time, my eyes turned to the sky, and, to my surprise, I saw two small balls of light flying parallel to the air at great speed. It only took a second. In less than a second, they were gone. Soon after, I saw the same phenomenon again. After that, nothing more…

Original news

Twee lichtbolletjes die razendsnel door de lucht schoten van richting veranderen

ALKMAAR, NH — Ik stapte de tuin in om een peukie te roken. Terwijl ik de achterdeur uit stap dook ik in een reflex lichtelijk ineen omdat ik vanuit m’n ooghoek iets aan zag komen. Althans dat dacht ik. Hierop gingen m’n ogen naar de lucht en zag ik tot mijn verbazing twee kleine lichtbollen parallel door de lucht schieten met een enorme snelheid. Dit duurde slechts een seconde. Amper een seconde en weg was het. Kort hierop zag ik nogmaals hetzelfde fenomeen. Daarna niets meer…


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: Starlink v1.5 G4-36-1 (Starlink 5195) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-2 (Starlink 5189) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-3 (Starlink 5176) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-4 (Starlink 5163) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-5 (Starlink 5158) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-6 (Starlink 5226) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-7 (Starlink 5216) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-8 (Starlink 5167) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-9 (Starlink 5173) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-10 (Starlink 5169) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-11 (Starlink 5209) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-12 (Starlink 5170) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-13 (Starlink 5225) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-14 (Starlink 5172) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-15 (Starlink 5187) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-16 (Starlink 5151) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-17 (Starlink 5174) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-18 (Starlink 5222) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-19 (Starlink 5223) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-20 (Starlink 5181) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-21 (Starlink 5168) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-22 (Starlink 5144) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-23 (Starlink 5146) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-24 (Starlink 5192) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-25 (Starlink 5212) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-26 (Starlink 5201) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-27 (Starlink 5171) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-28 (Starlink 5138) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-29 (Starlink 5175) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-30 (Starlink 5160) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-31 (Starlink 5165) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-32 (Starlink 5210) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-33 (Starlink 5178) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-34 (Starlink 5183) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-35 (Starlink 5166) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-36 (Starlink 5211) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-37 (Starlink 5184) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-38 (Starlink 5153) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-39 (Starlink 5143) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-40 (Starlink 5177) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-41 (Starlink 5221) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-42 (Starlink 5190) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-43 (Starlink 5213) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-44 (Starlink 5219) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-45 (Starlink 5193) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-46 (Starlink 5188) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-47 (Starlink 5197) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-48 (Starlink 5217) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-49 (Starlink 5198) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-50 (Starlink 5185) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-51 (Starlink 5204) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-52 (Starlink 5179) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-53 (Starlink 5200) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-54 (Starlink 5203) Starlink v1.5 G4-36-1, ..., G4-36-54


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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