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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Netherlands

ID #1679910832
Added Mon, 27/03/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.03.2023 21:30

A large bright light slowly moved towards the horizon and "went out". An eyewitness from the city of Vugt (North Brabant region) writes:

At first I thought it was Venus, so bright and bright, but then it slowly sank. The more it descended, the less bright the light became, and eventually the light went out after 20 seconds.


Original news

Groot fel licht, bewoog langzaam naar de horizon en "doofde" uit

VUGHT, NB — Eerst dacht ik dat het Venus was, zo fel en helder, maar toen zakte het langzaam naar beneden. Hoe meer het naar beneden zakte hoe minder fel het licht werd en uiteindelijk doofde het licht in 20 seconden.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Ordinary satellites, which often look like single, not very bright luminous dots moving smoothly in the night sky, are quite often mistaken for UFOs. After the Starlink satellites (near-Earth satellite systems developed by SpaceX, in order to create a cheap and high-performance satellite Internet communication channel and technical transmitters for receiving and transmitting signals from earth and orbit) were launched, it became possible to observe groups of satellites (up to 60 pieces) flying one after another.


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Satish Dhawan Space Center (Sriharikota Space Center), Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh (India) Vehicle: LVM3 (2) Payload: OneWeb L18-1 (OneWeb 0537) OneWeb L18-2 (OneWeb 0538) OneWeb L18-3 (OneWeb 0546) OneWeb L18-4 (OneWeb 0547) OneWeb L18-5 (OneWeb 0548) OneWeb L18-6 (OneWeb 0549) OneWeb L18-7 (OneWeb 0550) OneWeb L18-8 (OneWeb 0551) OneWeb L18-9 (OneWeb 0552) OneWeb L18-10 (OneWeb 0553) OneWeb L18-11 (OneWeb 0554) OneWeb L18-12 (OneWeb 0555) OneWeb L18-13 (OneWeb 0557) OneWeb L18-14 (OneWeb 0558) OneWeb L18-15 (OneWeb 0559) OneWeb L18-16 (OneWeb 0566) OneWeb L18-17 (OneWeb 0568) OneWeb L18-18 (OneWeb 0574) OneWeb L18-19 (OneWeb 0575) OneWeb L18-20 (OneWeb 0576) OneWeb L18-21 (OneWeb 0577) OneWeb L18-22 (OneWeb 0578) OneWeb L18-23 (OneWeb 0579) OneWeb L18-24 (OneWeb 0581) OneWeb L18-25 (OneWeb 0609) OneWeb L18-26 (OneWeb 0613) OneWeb L18-27 (OneWeb 0620) OneWeb L18-28 (OneWeb 0632) OneWeb L18-29 (OneWeb 0633) OneWeb L18-30 (OneWeb 0634) OneWeb L18-31 (OneWeb 0635) OneWeb L18-32 (OneWeb 0636) OneWeb L18-33 (OneWeb 0637) OneWeb L18-34 (OneWeb 0647) OneWeb L18-35 (OneWeb 0651) OneWeb L18-36 (OneWeb 0718) OneWeb L18-1, ..., L18-36


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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