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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1681723990
Added Mon, 17/04/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Лейкленд, FL
United States

An eyewitness claims: 

I like all I see is that he was making a loop in the sky right in front of me. And look up, and you'll see this fiery thing going down, moving to the left, moving in a circle and going down, and then shooting up. It was too weird. This is one of the two videos that I will be posting. 

In the second video, the objects were motionless, then one of them shot straight up and then left, it was incredible to see.

Original news

Date of sighting: April 1, 2023

Location of sighting: Lakeland, Florida, USA

Source: MUFON

UFOs are often a frightening subject for many people, because the movies, TV shows usually show aliens as attacking Earth and exterminating humanity. However that view is not a true image of intelligent alien life. Here we see two glowing orbs playfully moving around, showing that they are not dangerous, not to be feared, just wanting to be seen. Yes, UFOs do perform for eyewitnesses sometimes. Especially if the UFO senses through telepathy that the human or humans watching are curious about them. Then, they may movie unusually in loops, circles above the eyewitnesses, and even stop and change locations all while monitoring the thoughts of the eyewitnesses through telepathy, recording it. Such info is useful data to aliens for the future if they want to reveal themselves to huge populations all at once. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I like all I can see is that it was doing loop the loop in the sky right in front of me. And look up and see this fire thing going down going left going around in a circle and coming down that shooting up. It was just too weird. This is one of two videos that I will be submitting. Second video the objects were stationary then one of them shot straight up then left it was incredible to see.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Parachutist/delta glider

Parachute - a device made of fabric to slow down the movement of the object in the air. Parachutes are used for safe descent and landing of cargo and people, braking aircraft during landing.

The hang glider is a heavier aircraft than air, made under the scheme of "tailless with a arrow-shaped wing", the flight control of which is carried out by shifting the center of the mass due to the movement of the pilot relative to the suspension point (balance glider).
Parachutists often line up in different shapes during free fall.


This category includes not only pyrotechnic projectiles visible in the sky, but also traces of exploded projectiles, their fragments and other similar activities. 

Pyrotechnics is a branch of technology related to the technology of preparing combustible compounds and burning them to obtain a certain signal or effect.

Divided into:


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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