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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1682274354
Added Sun, 23/04/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
река Паскагоула
United States

On the night of October 11, 1973, shipyard foreman Charles Hickson and his work colleague Calvin Parker went fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. Suddenly they heard a strange whistle that turned into a hiss. Turning around, they saw something hanging a meter from the ground and about 15 meters away from them - either a disk, or a cylinder with two flashing lights or windows. Three figures came out of the "thing", heading towards the fishermen.

The creatures were terrible looking: gray wrinkled skin, very long arms ending in something like claws, legs like elephants. The heads grew straight out of the shoulders. That is, the necks of the creatures were missing. Where people should have had noses, there were some protrusions sticking out, like carrots from snowmen. Similar formations stuck out on the sides - in place of the ears. Right under the front "carrots" were narrow slits, vaguely resembling mouths. The aliens either had no eyes at all, or they were lost in the folds of the skin.

The creatures swam up to Hixon without moving their legs. Two men grabbed him from both sides. Something pricked my arm and made it impossible to move. Charles could only watch as the creatures dragged him into their machine. The third "elephant" carried Parker's limp body in his arms.

There were no seats or any equipment visible inside the ship-only a very bright light. Hixon hung in the air like an astronaut in weightlessness. Something like an eye emerged from the wall, which began to move back and forth, as if carefully examining Hickson. Then the creatures turned over the abducted one, and the "eye" continued its inspection.

Finally, the "elephants" pulled their prey back to the pier. And released. Hickson immediately fell backwards - his legs would not obey. Parker stood motionless next to him, arms outstretched, as if in a deep trance. The brigadier crawled to his comrade, but soon realized that he could get up. At that moment, the device took off and disappeared, flashing blue lights.

After that, Hixon and Parker told about their experience to the police, who did not believe them at first. However, after cross-examination by the military, who examined the abducted fishermen, their story was recognized as true. 

Such cases of abduction of people by alien civilizations are not unique. They are called "contacts" and take place not only in the USA, but also in other countries of the world. Some scientists believe that this phenomenon may have an explanation within the paradigm of a multidimensional universe, where there are other forms of life that can have access to our world. However, until now this question remains open to the scientific community. 

In any case, the story of Hixon and Parker is one of the most famous and documented cases of contact with alien civilizations in history. It continues to arouse interest among researchers and fans of the UFO topic.

Despite a lot of evidence and evidence, the case of the abduction of Hixon and Parker remains a mystery. Some scientists believe that it was a hallucination or a mass illusion caused by stress and fatigue. However, many believe in the possibility of the existence of alien life and consider this case one of the most convincing proofs of its existence. In any case, the abduction of Hixon and Parker will remain one of the most mysterious and memorable cases in the history of UFOs.


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