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The Alien. Chile

ID #1682604429
Added Thu, 27/04/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Chile: Cerro de Damas "Apronaut". Osvaldo Murray Note: this article was written in 1996.

 Two witnesses of a strange alien creature, encountered a strange character. We managed to find out only the history of the meeting, but not the personalities of the characters. What the "Revelación" (newspaper) can say is that one of them was an architect, and his companion was a judge who later became a judge of the Supreme Court and most recently heard one of the most important cases that took place in Chile. This senior judge has never wanted to publicly discuss a case that was published seventeen years ago (anonymously, of course).

The events took place on a weekend in November 1979, when both tourists were climbing the Cerro Punta de Damas east of Santiago [de Chile]. Having completed the ascent to the plateau, they, to their utter amazement, saw a round object with colorful and very bright lights.

 All this happened shortly after noon, and they found the color of the ship very bright, which was beige with a pinkish tinge — a very strange color. As it often happens in such cases, [witnesses] try to compare it with something familiar, but this car has nothing to compare with.

However, their amazement at the color or disc-shaped shape of the object was short-lived. There was something else about the surveillance that made their hair stand on end.

 Standing on one side of the disk, the judge and the architect saw a strange creature that can be imagined. It was something like a human, with a head, torso and arms, but without a neck. The head sat directly on the body, and the character was covered with hair. That is, it was some kind of gorilla, and two frightened climbers could not establish whether this strange creature was naturally hairy or whether it was dressed in a suit made of hair.

 However, from the point of view of travelers, this creature was just a gorilla of a very unique kind.

 Then something unexpected happened. Having developed a clear idea of what they were looking at (all in a matter of seconds), they decided to head to the neighboring plateau, where the car and its ape-like passenger were standing. To do this, they had to descend into a small valley connecting both plateaus. By the time the descent began, they realized that the strange creature was now landing on the disk. They hurried across the valley, and as they began to climb the neighboring plateau where the car was parked, it began to rise among the bright colors, quickly disappearing into space. Both the judge and the architect, seeing that the monkey was making a move, began to call loudly to her, hoping to attract her attention and keep her from running away. They hoped to exchange words with him, or at least,

 In a statement given to the journalist, the judge stated:

"I witnessed a phenomenon for which there is no explanation. I have a lot of doubts about this. We are both tired from hiking and climbing. I cannot say, in the cold light of contemplation, that it was the presence of a UFO. With due consideration and over time, there is no reason to assume or imagine that there was no explanation for this. I neither affirm nor deny the observation ... I don't feel qualified enough to accept it."

 Later, the judge said that his architect friend believed and was more interested in this issue and tried to find an explanation for it. Soon after, it became known that the architect and the judge, having gathered with a group of friends armed with binoculars and photo and movie cameras, made a series of ascents to Cerro Punta de Damas itself and the neighboring Cerro El Plomo, but the result of these efforts was never known.

Original news

Chile: The Cerro de  Damas "Apestronaut"

By Osvaldo Murray

 Two witnesses to a strange alien being, witnessed on scant opportunities worldwide, found themselves faced with the strange character. It has only been possible to glean the story of the encounter, but not the identity of the characters. What "Revelación" (newspaper) is able to say is that one of them was an architect and his companion a judge, who later became a supreme court justice and very recently heard one of the most important cases to have occurred in Chile. This senior magistrate has never wanted to discuss the matter in public, which was published seventeen years ago (anonymously, of course).

 Note: This article was written in the year 1996.

 The events took place during a weekend in November 1979, and both hikers were climbing Cerro Punta de Damas, east of Santiago [de Chile]. Upon completing the ascent of a plateau, they witnessed - to their utter astonishment, a circular object with multicolored and very bright lights.

 This all took place shortly after noon, and they found the craft's color very striking, which was beige in color with a pinkish hue - a very odd coloration. As often happens in these cases [the witnesses] try to compare it to something familiar, but there was nothing to compare this vehicle to.

 However, their astonishment over the object's color or disk-like shape was brief. There was something else attached to their craft that made their hair stand on end.

 Standing to one side of the disk, the judge and the architect saw the strange being anyone could imagine. It was something looking like a human being, having a head, torso and arms, but without a neck. The head sat squarely on the body, and the character was covered in hair. That is to say, it was some kind of gorilla, and the two startled mountaineers could never ascertain whether the strange being was hirsute by nature or wearing an outfit made of hair.

 Nonetheless, as far as the hikers were concerned, the being was simply a gorilla of a very unique kind.

 Then something unexpected happened. After developing a clear idea of what they were looking at (all in a matter of seconds), they decided to head for the adjoining plateau where the vehicle and its apelike occupant stood. To accomplish this, it would be necessary for them to descend to a small valley linking both plateaus. By the time they began their descent, they realized that the strange creature was now boarding the disk. They hurried to cross the valley, and as they began to climb the adjoining tableland, where the vehicle sat, it began to rise amid a display of bright colors, quickly vanishing into space. Both the judge and the architect, upon seeing that the ape was making a move, began calling out to it loudly, hoping to draw its attention and keep it from departing. They hoped to exchange words with it or at the very least, see it up close and make sure that they were not living a nightmare.

 In a statement given to a journalist, the judge declared: "I've had the chance to witness a phenomenon for which there is no explanation. I have many doubts in this regard. Both of us were tired from the hike and the climb. I cannot say, in the cold light of contemplation, that this was the presence of a UFO. Duly considered, and over time, there is no reason to suppose or imagine that there was no explanation for it. I neither affirm nor deny the sighting. I do not feel reasonably qualified to accept it".

 Later on, the magistrate said that his architect friend had greater belief and curiosity about the matter, and was trying to find an explanation for it. Shortly after, it was learned that the architect and the judge gathered a group of friends - equipped with binoculars and photo and cine cameras - made a series of ascents to Cerro Punta de Damas itself and neighboring Cerro El Plomo, but the outcome of these efforts was never known.

 [Translation (c) 2023 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology, with thanks to the late Osvaldo Murray]


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