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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1691090828
Added Thu, 03/08/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
пляж Форт-Лодердейл
United States

29-year-old Carmen Rich came to Florida (USA) to relax with her family. On June 17, 2023, they were at Fort Lauderdale Beach when a storm broke out, and Rich decided to try to capture the lightning on video (see below).

Suddenly, something oblong, bluish and extremely fast flashed right in front of the camera. Rich immediately noticed this and began asking Jennifer's sister:

"Wow, did you see that? Something just flew over there!"

According to Rich, she immediately stopped shooting the video, as she wanted to scroll through the footage to get a better look at the flying object.

If you significantly slow down the speed of the video, you can clearly see a blue elongated "stick" without wings and without a hint of something like an engine, flying from left to right and seemingly dissolving into the air.

Rich says what she saw scared her a lot because she believed it was either an alien ship or technology created by the US authorities based on an alien ship.

"It was the fastest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. And because he was moving very fast, I thought he must be making some noise, but no, there was no noise."

Rich also mentions that the object actually seemed much larger than in the video. At that moment, a plane was flying in the sky, and compared to the speed of the plane, the object seemed superfast.

Original news

29-year-old Carmen Rich came to Florida (USA) to relax with her family. On June 17, 2023, they were on Fort Lauderdale Beach when a storm hit, and Rich decided to try to capture the lightning on video (see below).

Suddenly, something elongated, bluish, and extremely fast rushed right in front of the camera. Rich immediately noticed it and began to ask her sister Jennifer, “Wow, did you see that? Something just flew over there!”

According to Rich, she immediately stopped filming the video as she wanted to scroll through the footage to get a better look at the flying object.

If you slow down the video’s speed significantly, a blue elongated “stick” without wings and without a hint of something like an engine becomes clearly visible, flying from left to right and seeming to vanish into the air.

Rich says that what she saw scared her a lot because she believed it was either an alien ship or technology created by the US authorities based on an alien ship.

“It was the fastest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And because it was moving extremely fast, I thought it must have made some noise, but no, there was no noise.”

Rich also mentions that in reality, the object appeared much larger than in the video. At that moment, an airplane was flying in the sky, and compared to the airplane’s speed, the object seemed superfast.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Re-reflections in lens lenses from a strong light source

The lens consists of a set of lenses (in some lenses - of mirrors), designed for mutual compensation of aberrations and assembled into a single system.

From the contour light (bright light sources behind the subject or next to it), caught in the frame or located outside the frame, parasitic reflections from the internal elements of the lens are formed, called glare (or in slang "hares").


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Most likely, this is a glare from a passing car with the brightest headlight of the passing ones (probably still a certain internal shape), since the object and the headlight move synchronously to the center of the frame.

Let's test the hypothesis. The work is carried out on all frames where the glare is visible. We select the frames on which the alleged UFO is visible and draw a line from the center of the object to the center of the alleged source of bright light, giving a glare. We connect translucent images with lines. If it is a glare, then all the lines will converge in one place.

Images with the construction are included in the main gallery.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Re-reflections in lens lenses from a strong light source

The lens consists of a set of lenses (in some lenses - of mirrors), designed for mutual compensation of aberrations and assembled into a single system.

From the contour light (bright light sources behind the subject or next to it), caught in the frame or located outside the frame, parasitic reflections from the internal elements of the lens are formed, called glare (or in slang "hares").

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