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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1691568258
Added Wed, 09/08/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.07.2023 21:33
Гаррисон, NY
United States

In this video taken by a surveillance camera on July 26, 2023, a small UFO appears at the top above the edge of the trees and hangs motionless there for some time emitting a fairly bright white glow, then it drops sharply down to the roof of the house and, having laid a steep turn, flashes a bright mother-of-pearl green light at the moment of touching the roof of the building and with incredible speed carried away into space. All this takes a fraction of a second.

It's hard to understand why he needed it, it's like he's playing... he used the roof of the building as a springboard before switching to superluminal speed. The video is very interesting, so I recommend that anyone interested in the topic of UFOs watch it.

Garrison is a locality in Putnam County, New York, USA. It is part of the town of Philipstown, on the east bank of the Hudson River, opposite the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Original news

Un orbe ressemblant à une forme d’énergie apparaît de derrière les arbres, frappe le toit d’une maison, puis l’orbe prend une couleur vert vif avant de rebondir du toit dans l’espace à une vitesse très élevée.

Comme le dit MrMBB333 : Je ne pense pas qu’il s’agisse d’un oiseau, car nous ne voyons pas de battements d’ailes. De plus, je ne sais pas comment un oiseau aurait pu s’illuminer d’une couleur vert vif comme il l’a fait au moment où il est entré en contact avec le toit et qu’il est resté illuminé en s’envolant dans le ciel nocturne.

Que pouvait être cet objet mystérieux ? Quelque chose de surnaturel, un phénomène naturel ou une sonde extraterrestre sous contrôle intelligent ? Orbes, sphères, c’est un phénomène qui n’est pas encore compris.

Lieu : Garrison New York – 26 juillet 2023 à 21h33.

Jetez un coup d’œil aux rares images d’orbes, qui commencent à environ 8 minutes dans la vidéo.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Beetles and other insects

Flying insects in photos and videos can be mistaken for UFOs.

Shooting can take place in the daytime or in the evening. When moving, the outlines of the insect can be both blurred and clear. Depending on this, dark spots or spots of bizarre shapes can be taken for UFOs. The video shows UFOs hovering in the sky, flying in a straight line or moving along a complex trajectory (for example, shooting May bugs near a tree against the background of the evening sky). Insects can be mistaken for UFOs by accident, or given out intentionally. At night, they can be highlighted by a flash.


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Xichang Space Center (Songlin), Sichuan (China) Vehicle: CZ-2D (2) Payload: Yaogan 36-05A Yaogan 36-05B Yaogan 36-05C


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Based on the nature of movement and color, it is a firefly flying near the camera (an example of firefly flights

For reference:

There are more than 170 species of fireflies in the USA and that each of them has its own unique kind of glow. From Georgia to southwest New York, fireflies gather together in dark forests to mate. Although the time of year varies by state and area, New York City fireflies flock to Allegany State Park every year from late June to mid-July.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Beetles and other insects

Flying insects in photos and videos can be mistaken for UFOs.

Shooting can take place in the daytime or in the evening. When moving, the outlines of the insect can be both blurred and clear. Depending on this, dark spots or spots of bizarre shapes can be taken for UFOs. The video shows UFOs hovering in the sky, flying in a straight line or moving along a complex trajectory (for example, shooting May bugs near a tree against the background of the evening sky). Insects can be mistaken for UFOs by accident, or given out intentionally. At night, they can be highlighted by a flash.

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