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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Argentina

ID #1710699196
Added Sun, 17/03/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.03.2024 22:30

On Monday, March 11, 2024, the Aerolíneas Argentina passenger airliner was flying over the Argentine city of Neuquen when its pilot noticed something abnormal in the sky.

He immediately contacted the dispatcher of the President Peron International Airport in Neuquen and asked if there were any other flights in the sky next to his plane. He was told "no", which greatly worried the pilot.

It happened on flight AR1652, which took off that evening at 20:30 from Buenos Aires to Neuquen. At about 22:30, the pilot saw four UFOs in the sky.

"I'm asking you... guys, somewhere at the 4-5-0 or 5-0-0 level, do you see any lights that keep moving? There seemed to be two transits, they look like four moving luminaries, but too high," the pilot said in a dialogue with the operator of the control room of the airport of President Peron.

"No, sir, I can't see anything from my position, and I have no reports of flights in the area," the woman replied.

However, the pilot continued to claim that he saw something clearly, and objects or one object with several lights were flying well above the level of his plane.

"No, no, it's much higher than our flight level. We are going to 3-8-0, and it will be at least 5-0-0."

After that, the dispatcher advised him to simply deviate from the route:

"For your safety, if you need to, you can turn north, there is no inconvenience."

The pilot continued to insist on the presence of strange lights near his plane. He was clearly not satisfied with what the dispatcher was telling him:

"It's somewhere on the 0-9-0 radius, to the south."

But the woman only repeated to him that there were no other flights in this sector.:

"I confess, I repeat to you, that I have no reports of transits in this area. If she continues to walk in a straight line or deviates, there will be no problem."

After that, the pilot briefly replied "Thank you" and disconnected.

What he observed remained a mystery.

Original news

On Monday, March 11, 2024, an Aerolíneas Argentina passenger airliner was flying over the Argentine city of Neuquen when its pilot noticed something anomalous in the sky.

He immediately contacted the dispatcher at the President Perón International Airport in Neuquen and asked if there were any other flights in the sky near his plane. They told him no, which made the pilot very worried.

This happened on flight AR1652, which took off that evening at 20:30 from Buenos Aires to Neuquen. At approximately 10:30 p.m., the pilot saw four UFOs in the sky.

“I’m asking you… around level 4-5-0 or 5-0-0, do you guys see some lights that keep moving? It looks like there were two transits, they look similar to four moving luminaries, but they are too high,” the pilot said in a dialogue with the operator of the control service of President Peron Airport.

“No sir, I can’t see anything from my position and I have no reports of flights in the area,” the woman replied.

However, the pilot continued to insist that he clearly saw something, and objects or one object with several lights were flying much higher than the level of his aircraft.

“No, no, that’s much higher than our flying level. We’re going for 3-8-0, and it’ll be at least 5-0-0.”

After this, the dispatcher advised him to simply deviate from the route: “For your safety, if you need to, you can turn north, there is no inconvenience.”

The pilot continued to insist on the presence of strange lights near his plane. He was clearly not happy with what the dispatcher was telling him: “It’s about on a 0-9-0 radial, further south.”

But the woman only repeated to him that there were no other flights in this sector: “Acknowledged, I repeat to you that I have no reports of transits in this area. If it continues in a straight line or deviates, there will be no problem.”

After this, the pilot briefly replied “Thank you” and disconnected.

What he observed remained a mystery.


Un extraño suceso ocurrió en las últimas horas en el cielo de Neuquén. Un piloto de Aerolíneas Argentinas divisó luces a una altura por encima de lo normal. Sorprendido, consultó a la torre de control del aeropuerto Presidente Perón si había algún vuelo registrado y la respuesta lo alarmó, lo que provocó que le ofrecieran cambiar de ruta.

Todo ocurrió en el trayecto que cubría el vuelo AR1652, que partió el último lunes a las 20:30 desde Buenos Aires hacia la ciudad de Neuquén. Sin embargo, antes de llegar a su destino -alrededor de las 22:30-, atravesó una situación llamativa. El piloto no quiso caer en pánico y buscó corroborar la situación, aunque no encontró respuestas.

"Le hago una consulta, señorita, En el radial 090 de Neuquén, diría que a nivel 4-5-0, nivel 5-0-0, ¿ustedes ven algunas luces que se están moviendo todo el tiempo? Parece que fueran dos tránsitos, son como cuatro luces que están en movimiento, pero están altos", consultó el comandante del vuelo en diálogo con la operadora de control del Aeropuerto Presidente Perón.

"No, señor, desde mi posición no estoy visualizando nada y no tengo tránsito reportado en la zona", le respondió la mujer.

Pese a que esa respuesta no era la más esperada, por la altura a la que se encontraban las luces que divisaba en el cielo, el piloto agradeció a la trabajadora y hasta bromeó, extrañado por el hecho: "Tomé café nada más, te juro".

Sin tránsito aéreo sobre Neuquén

La operadora del Aeropuerto de Neuquén le explicó que a la altura a la que se encontraba volando no había tránsito aéreo y el hombre continuó la explicación: "No, no, está mucho más arriba que el nivel de vuelo que veníamos nosotros. Nosotros venimos con 3-8-0 y eso estaría por lo menos a 5-0- 0 para arriba".

Tras el informe del piloto, la trabajadora aseguró: "Recibido señor. Por su seguridad, si lo requiere, puede desviarse al norte, no hay ningún inconveniente... o ir directo a SAMTU".

Pero el hombre continuó con los detalles e insistió que advirtió la presencia de luces extrañas: "Está más o menos en el radial 0-9-0, más hacia el sur". Y la mujer le reiteró que no había otros vuelos en el sector: "Recibido, le repito, no tengo tránsito reportado en la zona. Si solicita un directo o desviarse no va a haber ningún inconveniente"

"Gracias, muy amable", concluyó la comunicación el piloto.

¿Un OVNI en Bariloche?

En agosto del año pasado, una enigmática luz sorprendió al piloto de un avión y a miembros de una torre de control del aeropuerto de Bariloche. Las imágenes fueron captadas por trabajadores del aeropuerto local que en sus redes sociales, dieron a conocer el video de las luces que se movían de manera incesante a pocos kilómetros de la pista.

Mientras, en la radio se podía escuchar el diálogo entre la torre de control y el piloto de una aeronave que se encontraba por despegar. "No era una aeronave", confirmaban en el momento.

Sucedió entre las 4:40 y las 5:45 de la madrugada, cuando los operarios de la pista comenzaron a observar las dos y a veces tres luces que hacían movimientos incesantes en el horizonte en medio de una noche con cielo totalmente despejado.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Ordinary satellites, which often look like single, not very bright luminous dots moving smoothly in the night sky, are quite often mistaken for UFOs. After the Starlink satellites (near-Earth satellite systems developed by SpaceX, in order to create a cheap and high-performance satellite Internet communication channel and technical transmitters for receiving and transmitting signals from earth and orbit) were launched, it became possible to observe groups of satellites (up to 60 pieces) flying one after another.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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