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UFO. Russia

ID #1716040147
Added Sat, 18/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
13.04.1716 21:00
Leningradskaya oblast

From the report of I. V.Bogatyrev (excerpt)

In the Central State Archive of the USSR Navy, in the funds of the archive for No. 315, inventory No. 519 was found. On sheets 25 and 26 there is a message that the Envoy of the Netherlands informs his Government from St. Petersburg of the following:

"On 04/13/1716, at 21 o'clock, a very brilliant meteor appeared in a clear cloudless sky. From the upper side of the sky, a thick cloud appeared above the horizon, pointed to the top and wide at the base. The rise of the cloud was very fast - in 3 minutes. it reached 1/3 of the zenith.

At the very moment of the appearance of a dark cloud, a huge shiny comet appeared in the direction of the ZSZ, rising 12 ° above the horizon. A new dark cloud appeared from C (on the eastern side), which was rising towards the first cloud, approaching the meeting.

Between these clouds, a bright column of light was formed on the other side, which did not change its position for several minutes: then, as the cloud that appeared from 3 with extraordinary speed went against it and collided with another cloud with such terrible force that a vast flame appeared in the sky from their collision and was accompanied by smoke, then As a glimmer of light receded to the very 33. The real smoke rose 20° from the horizon, and the clouds of flame cut it inextricably over all

directions, just as a battle of several fleets and armies would take place.

The phenomenon lasted for 15 minutes in its most brilliant form, and then gradually began to fade and ended with the appearance of many bright arrows reaching up to 80 ° from the horizon.

The cloud that appeared on B dissipated, and another disappeared behind it, so that by 22 o'clock the sky was clear again and burning with brilliant stars.

The phenomenon was also very scary at the moment of the collision of clouds, when they seemed to break up from a terrible blow and were quickly accompanied by many small clouds in the direction of 33.

The flames that shot out of them were like a thunderclap, unusually bright and dazzling.

When rewriting the document in 1800, some inaccuracies were made. The second cloud was approaching the 1st from BB, and not from 33, the 3rd cloud collided with a pillar-a column of light, to which it was going against.

The phenomenon was observed near St. Petersburg. This is confirmed by a document addressed to Admiral K.I. Kroys, who ordered the recording of observations of the phenomenon that took place during I1 hours.

Let's consider in detail the events and observations of the phenomenon - in short - A. P.

There is no such kind of clouds in nature. Later, it seemed that they were solid bodies. When they collided, a terrible blow could occur with the formation of a large flame and smoke. The huge brilliant comet that was present (12 ° above the horizon) is mysterious, judging by the description it did not take any part in the gradual disappearance of other objects.

Obviously, the eyewitness forgot about the comet. It is easy to imagine the position of the 1st cloud 3 minutes after the beginning of the phenomenon. It passed halfway from the horizon to the zenith and began to be at an angle of 45 ° to the horizon. Further, since the 2nd cloud was heading from the west side, this object made

maneuver by turning from the north direction at a speed greater than the speed of the 1st cloud.

A few minutes later, a bright light formed between the 1st and 2nd cloud in the form of a column, which did not change its position for several minutes. Only after that, 3 clouds headed towards this pillar from 3 sides, at a speed greater than the speeds of 1 and 2 clouds.

When the first two clouds come into contact, no impact is mentioned! Between

they formed only a light column, i.e. the contact was silent. When connecting the 3rd cloud with the first two, a strong shock-explosion occurred (with the release of many small clouds). Further, these small clouds, together with the colliding ones, rushed to the north and were accompanied by a large flame.

The flame departures were accompanied by thunderous blows, therefore, the destruction process did not occur instantly, but within 15 minutes. Then only the first 2 clouds are mentioned; hence the

the cloud turned out to be completely destroyed.

The reflection of the light reached from the sun to his very 33. The smoke rose 20° from the horizon, and the rays cut continuously in all directions. After that, the small clouds began to disappear, but small "arrows" appeared reaching a height of 80 ° from the horizon.

Then the observer sees 2 objects again, which gradually disappear after "docking" - silently! The observed bright light lasting for several minutes can be mistaken for lightning. Thunderclaps,

It was not observed here during a thunderstorm. Only 1 blow of terrible force (such as an explosion) was recorded, after which smoke and flames formed.


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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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