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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Kazakhstan

ID #1716290021
Added Tue, 21/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Державинский район, Пионерский лагерь"Березка"


On the night of June 2-6 , 1979 . in the second hour, the medical worker of the Beryozka hospital, G. Rakhimov, went out to smoke on the porch of the main building of the camp, saw two pale pink glowing eyes above the gazebo, located at a distance of about 12 seconds. Their gaze made him feel uneasy. The "eyes" were at a height of more than 3 m. The observation time is about 30 minutes.

After breakfast, at about 10 a.m., the entire 1st detachment (with the exception of those on duty), led by pioneer leader N.P. Kolmykova, went on an excursion to the Bald hill, located 2-2.5 km from the camp. There were about 15 pioneers in total.

It rained in the morning, it was cloudy. Climbing up the hill, the guys began to call out each other's names and listen to the echo. After completing the roll call, one of the pioneers A. Dmitriev noticed a flash in the distance and some obscure black object. Almost simultaneously, in the same direction (approximately south of the top of the hill), at the foot of the hill, the guys saw a group of people (more than 4 and less than 10).

The first reaction of the guys was to call them. They began to climb the slope of the hill, and then the guys noticed that these people were unusual - very tall, thin. According to the perception of the guys, they were wearing black spacesuits and colored wide hip belts. The face, nose, mouth, and ears were not visible; only the round eyes, glowing pink, stood out. The guys and the pioneer leader, of course, got scared and ran along the road to the camp.

After descending from the hill and passing through a small grove, they went out into the steppe and then saw these strangers who were far away on both sides of the road. The guys ran along the steppe road - two strangers followed them right across the steppe.

Their gait was unusual, gliding, smooth, and they held their arms outstretched when walking. When walking, their feet seemed to sink into the ground, because the steppe is hilly and the road with turns, then the guys lost sight of them. Then, continuing to approach the camp, the guys twice more saw the figure of a stranger pursuing, already alone. In one place (in the middle of the way), the guys noticed that his coloring was changing negatively, and his head turned red, there were complex color transitions.

He chased the guys until the fence of the camp appeared.Here he turned back - the guys began to shout, whistle - the stranger turned around, looked at them and disappeared as he disappeared into thin air.

The stranger was seen most closely from a distance of 12 m from S.Kravtsov.

After lunch, counselor N. Kolmykova and 3 pioneers went back to the Bald Hill. In the place where they saw a flash and a black object in the morning, they saw something glowing the color of slate, shaped like tents - about 2 objects and some kind of pile of something that looked like boards.

In the evening, at about 20 o'clock, along the path leading from the dining room through the grove, the boy Zhenya from the 4th squad encountered this stranger sitting on a chair and ran away screaming (an accordion player usually sat on this metal chair during morning exercises). Following Zhenya, the pioneer leader of his 4th squad, R. Rakhimova, saw a large black humanoid creature that began to turn its head in her direction. There was no mouth, nose, ears, or hair on his head. Only the large round bulging shiny pink eyes were visible.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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