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Elvira, Mistress of the Dark


Added Sun, 22/08/2021
Release date
Original title
Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark

"Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark "(English:" Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark") is a 1988 American comedy film.

In 1980, Maila Nurmi sued Cassandra Peterson, accusing the actress of plagiarizing her image of "Vampires", in which she starred for the Edward Wood film" Plan 9 from outer Space "(English" Plan 9 from Outer Space", 1958). It was this film that inspired Cassandra's image of Elvira, and she decided to take it without permission to use it.

Plan 9 from Outer Space


In California, an old man grieves the loss of his wife and on the next day he also dies. However, the space soldier Eros and her mate Tanna use an electric device to resurrect them both and the strong Inspector Clay that was murdered by the couple. Their intention is not to conquest Earth but to stop mankind from developing the powerful bomb “Solobonite” that would threaten the universe.

The film shows episodes from several real-life science fiction films: "It captured the world "(English" It Conquered the World", 1956) and" Attack of the Killer Tomatoes "(English" Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!", 1978).

It Conquered the World


An alien from Venus tries to take over the world with the help of a disillusioned human scientist.

A vamp woman Elvira wants to arrange an unforgettable show in Las Vegas, but she lacks about $ 50,000 for this. After learning that her rich aunt Morgana has passed away, Elvira goes to Fallwell, Massachusetts, in order to be in time for the reading of the will.

After an adventurous journey, she comes to a quiet and forgotten town and immediately becomes an object of both admiration among young people and dislike among the conservative-minded older generation. She inherits a very old house, a small poodle and a special book with recipes. But Elvira's uncle is hunting for the book. This is a magic book, and an old sorcerer needs it to take over the world.

Phenomena in artwork: Witchcraft

The main character of the film named Elvira turns out to be a hereditary sorceress. From her mother, she gets a magic amulet in the form of a ring with a large red gem. Her aunt also leaves her a magic book, which gives power over the forces of darkness to the one who owns it during the lunar eclipse. A relative of Elvira is hunting for the book – a three-hundred-year-old old sorcerer.

With the help of recipes recorded in the book, Elvira creates a creepy monster and a love potion. The amulet, apparently, is designed to protect the girl: with its help, she repels the magical attacks of the sorcerer, and also causes the rain necessary to extinguish the fire threatening her. The sorcerer throws lightning and turns several citizens into pigs, and he does not need amulets and a book for this.

Elvira has a familiar-a magical animal that helps her, which, if necessary, takes the form of a dog (a poodle or a Rottweiler with glowing red eyes) and a rat.

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