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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Mon, 10/02/2020
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Witchcraft (sorcery, witchcraft, the volhovanii, magic) is usually called the practice of magic as a craft, in which the magician claims contact with the supernatural (demons, spirits of ancestors, nature and other).

Usually it is the practice of magical skills and abilities, but the term is so broad that varies greatly in cultural and social terms, and therefore it is difficult to determine with precision.

The concept of witchcraft and the belief in its existence persisted throughout the history of mankind. They attended or were Central at different times and in many different forms, among cultures and religions worldwide, including both primitive and highly developed culture, and continue to play an important role in many cultures today. Historically and currently, in most traditional cultures of the world - especially in Asia, South America, Africa, the African Diaspora and indigenous communities - this term is usually associated with those who use metaphysical means to harm.

In the modern era mainly in Western culture, the word may more often refer to positive or neutral practices of contemporary paganism, such as divination.

This includes various paranormal abilities acquired as a result of a variety of specialized manipulations, and injury to person, property, etc. by means of curse or put a curse.


Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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