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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


Added Sun, 21/03/2021
Release date
Original title
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (English: "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom") is an American adventure film with thriller elements.

Although the film is a continuation of the picture "Indiana Jones: In search of the lost Ark", these works have separate plots and are connected only by a common main character.

Raiders of the Lost Ark


When Dr. Indiana Jones – the tweed-suited professor who just happens to be a celebrated archaeologist – is hired by the government to locate the legendary Ark of the Covenant, he finds himself up against the entire Nazi regime.

The film is set in 1935 and begins in Shanghai. Escaping from the gangsters of the Lao Che gang, Indiana Jones and his companions-the singer of the Shanghai variety show Willie Scott and an 11-year-old Chinese boy nicknamed "Shorty" fly away on a plane in the direction of India. Over the Himalayas, the pilots jump off with a parachute and the trio have to glide out of the falling plane on an inflatable boat into the river. After a dangerous rafting trip, the heroes get to the village of Mayapur somewhere in northern India. Not far from the village is the Pankot Temple, where the bloodthirsty thugs, led by Mol Ram, worship the goddess Kali. Indiana decides to help the villagers and return to them the sacred stone stolen by the Tugs, and at the same time free the children who are being used as slaves by the Tugs.

Upon reaching the temple, the trio unexpectedly meets with the Prime Minister of the temple, Chattar Lal, who gives the guests a warm welcome. In the evening, they are invited to a lavish banquet given by the young Maharaja Zalim Singh. After the banquet, an assassin enters Indiana's room, and the archaeologist miraculously survives. In Willie's room, he finds a secret passage to the tunnel system under the temple. Shorty and Willie run with him. The fugitives notice a lot of children who are forced to work in underground mines. They find themselves in a secret underground temple of Kali, where the Thugs perform a ritual of worship to the goddess and prepare to offer her a human sacrifice. The ritual is performed by the priest Mol Ram. Indy notices the three sacred stones and tries to steal them, but the three are apprehended. Indy is forced to drink a potion that puts him in a trance. Willie Scott is captured by cult fans who are going to sacrifice the girl. At the last moment, Indy breaks free and saves Willie. Indy takes the three stones and goes to the mines to free the slave children. He is tried to stop by Maharaja Singh, who has power over Indiana, controlling him through a voodoo doll. However, he is stopped by Shorty, who knocks the doll out of the boy's hands.

The main characters escape from the underground temple on a trolley on a branch of the underground railway. Mola Ram orders the floodgates to be opened and a flood from the underwater river to follow the fugitives. At the last moment, the fugitives escape from the stormy water. They climb to the surface and cross over a suspension bridge that stretches over a crocodile-infested river. They are chased by Ram's henchmen, but Indiana cuts the bridge's ropes. At the last moment, the British Indian Army comes to the rescue of the archaeologist and his companions. The children are released. Indiana goes to the village and returns the locals their sacred stone (the other two fall into the river).

Phenomena in artwork: Zombies

The film shows zombies in their classic representation-living people, with the help of special potions and rituals turned into obedient slaves.

After taking a magic potion ("blood of Kali"), the minds of people are eclipsed and they become faithful servants of the cult. At the same time, they completely lose their will and do not recognize old acquaintances.

To bring such a person to life can be a strong pain shock, for example, a burn from a torch.

Phenomena in artwork: Witchcraft

The skills of witchcraft are demonstrated by the servants of the cult of the goddess Kali. Their high priest has the ability to rip out a person's heart with his bare hands, and the heart then continues to beat, and the person lives.

The priests of the cult are able to prepare a magical elixir that suppresses the will of people and turns them into obedient slaves. One of these slaves uses a voodoo doll, thrusting needles into it and causing pain to the main character of the film.

Also, the strange behavior of the sacred stones ("Shivalinga"), which are sought by the priests of the cult, can be attributed to witchcraft. The stones are smooth, with three transverse lines "symbolizing the three levels of the universe". When approaching each other, the diamonds in the stones begin to glow. According to legend, these stones belonged to the priest Shankara, who climbed the mountain and met the god Shiva there. God blessed the priest to fight against evil, and to help him gave him five sacred stones with magical powers. They grant prosperity to the inhabitants of the village that protects them. When the stone was stolen, " the wells were emptied, the river turned to sand, the earth swallowed up the crops, and the animals turned to dust."

Phenomena in artwork: Paranormal abilities

The high priest of the cult of the goddess Kali has the ability to tear out a person's heart with his bare hands, and the heart then continues to beat, and the person lives. At the point of penetration of the priest's hand into the victim's body, no damage remains, which makes his actions similar to the manipulations of healers.

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