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Added Thu, 22/04/2021
Release date
Original title
Wellington Paranormal (season 3, episode 5)

Wellington Paranormal

TV Show|2018
New Zealand's capital is a hotbed of supernatural activity... so Officers Minogue and O'Leary, who featured in the vampire documentary What We Do In The Shadows, take to the streets to investigate all manner of paranormal phenomena.

The fifth episode of the third season of the series is called "The Avengers" (orig. "The Revengers").

While investigating a traffic accident in the suburbs, Minogue and O'Leary witness a meteorite fall, which results in some local residents gaining superpowers. These residents (a man shooting electricity from his hands, a catwoman and a girl connected to the Internet) form a district guard called "The Avengers" and independently judge bank robbers, graffiti hooligans and a man who does not clean up the excrement after his dog.

Minogue and O'Leary confront the Avengers with the help of a water-splashing man and an ineffectual Parker who has gained magnetic powers. A collision between an electrician and a man splashing water causes an explosion, causing the superhumans to lose their abilities.

Phenomena in artwork: Paranormal abilities

Paranormal abilities are obtained by several people who find themselves near the site of the meteorite fall. The abilities of each of them are directly related to what they were doing at that moment: a man who repaired the wiring gets the ability to control electricity; a woman who stroked a cat starts behaving like a cat; a girl who searched for information on the Internet is connected directly to the global network; a man who watered flowers gets the ability to release water jets from his hands.

A police officer who inadvertently touches a meteorite in the police station also gets a superpower. At the moment of touch, he held a teaspoon, and after it begins to attract metal objects.

As a result of the conflict between the men who control the water and electricity, an explosion is formed. The abilities of all newly minted superhumans who fall into the affected area disappear.

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