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This section contains information about the representation of phenomena in the entertainment industry: movies, cartoons, books, etc.

The Kingdom of the Fairies


Added Thu, 06/12/2018
Release date
Original title
Le royaume des fées

"In the Kingdom of the fairies" or "fairy Kingdom" (orig. "Le royaume des fées") is a French short (16 minute) feature film of Georges méliès, considered the representative of the early sci-Fi films. It was popular in those years extravaganza "DOE in the forest" and to some extent quotes the story of Charles Perrault "the Sleeping beauty".

The film was hand-painted. It uses many types of special effects, advanced for the time: stage scene, panning , miniatures, pyrotechnics, replacement, splicing, blending and dissolution.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Wedding of Prince and Princess Balasore Azurine. The witch that forgot to invite to the wedding, the newlyweds predicts unhappiness. Princess is kidnapped in a fiery chariot. The Prince sits on the ship to save his beloved, but the ship is wrecked. The Prince is under water in the Kingdom of Neptune. With the help of the fairies, he goes to earth, kills the witch and frees Azurine, locked at the top of the tower Cicerone.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: UFO

In the film there is an element of folklore that resonates with modern ideas about UFOs – a fiery chariot. It is similar to the usual cart that travels through the sky on fire. Chariot run like the devils creatures that kidnapped the Princess.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Fairy

The fairy shown in the film as an anthropomorphic being human growth. It looks like a normal woman in a light robe. She helps the protagonist fight the evil in the person of the witch and her minions.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Mermaid

Mermaid or sea, the people of Neptune in the movie also seem anthropomorphic. They present their vehicles that pulled fish. Also they move a giant hand drawn by horses. Other giant crustaceans serve as the protection of the marine king.

Mermaids are here also to help the main character: they immersed him in China, so he transported the Prince to shore.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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