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Aliens were caught in the Urals

Added Wed, 27/10/2021
Дата публикации
Thu, 02/12/2004

The "green men" were students of the 7th grade

Last week, the small Ural town of Sukhoi Log made the whole country buzz - huge circles appeared on the fresh snow in the courtyard of the Ogonyok kindergarten for two nights in a row. The place was immediately dubbed the "alien spaceport".

Journalists of the Yekaterinburg Komsomolskaya Pravda even staged a night ambush (see "KP" of November 26 and 27). A real hunt for aliens has begun in the Dry Log. Crowds of people were on duty at night in the kindergarten.

Quite serious people rushed to solve the riddle - rescuers and scientists.

And yesterday everything was resolved: two boys appeared in the newspaper office.

Apparently, afraid to bring their hometown to complete madness, the boys decided to tell the journalists the whole truth.

Yura Bekteshov and Sasha Karelin study in the 7th grade of the 2nd school. Here 's what they told:

- As always, in the evening we hung out at the kindergarten playground. And what else to do? Lech Omelchenko drew a circle with his foot for fun. The snow has just fallen. He looked closer and said: Look, it's like a trace from a flying saucer. (And indeed, where he held his foot, the ground was visible, and where he did not hold it, the snow was white. Everything turned out perfectly!)

Then everything went as if on a roll: for two hours the boys drew circles.

The guys also wanted to cut out traces of cardboard, like aliens, and to inherit on a soft snow blanket. But they changed their minds.

They fancied and left. At night the frost hit and as a fixative acted on the patterns. And in the morning, when they came to school, the boys found out that "aliens" had arrived at Ogonyok. Let's go, of course, to take a look. Serious uncles and aunts are crowding on the site, television is filming their yesterday's creativity. Everyone's faces are surprised, they are whispering about something, and something is wrong with their camera, the batteries are being changed.

The journalist of the city newspaper also met with the author of the circles.

Lech was modest.

- There was nothing to do, - he commented on his art. He never expected that his entertainment room would make so much noise.

From the editorial office

Lesha's teachers should continue to give him A's in physics and drawing. Komsomolka will ask the director of school No. 2 of Sukhoi Log about it. Unless, of course, the boys are not impostors, but real "aliens".

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