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Canadians unravel the mystery drawn on the snow bear. As he made a belly button?

Added Fri, 01/02/2019
Дата публикации
Fri, 01/02/2019

In Montreal in the snow drew a huge bear with eyes, nose, mouth and navel. Now the Canadians are trying to find out how the author managed to portray the navel, leaving the snow no trace? The CBC reporter Kate McKenna told the most popular hypothesis about its origins:

  1. The author jumped into the center of the picture. But the distance from the edge of the bear to his belly button is about two meters — a jump that far in winter clothes is quite difficult. Traces of slip on the photos either.
  2. Navel done with snowballs. The picture shows that the bear's belly button has four holes located around. In this case, throw snowballs need very carefully, never missing.
  3. For gold used to the drone. In theory the author could throw something heavy right in the center of the picture (like a snowball).
  4. Hockey stick. Length hockey stick for adults is about five feet. Most likely, using a stick at arm's length would be possible to reach from the edge of the bear to his belly button. Besides, the animal's eyebrows look like they were drawing a stick — perhaps it, too, used the hockey stick.
  5. Fossa, which forms the navel, appeared to bear. Perhaps they inspired the authors of the rest of the picture. The CBC journalist that seems implausible. Presumably, the bear was drawn on the night of January 30, but that day in Montreal until five in the morning it was snowing. If the navel appeared before the figure, by the end of the snowfall is likely already covered. The depth of the pits and other parts of the picture seem to be about the same. So, bear (his belly button) appeared after a snowfall.
  6. Aliens? Are unable to exclude them.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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Artie's picture
03.02.2019 15:45:49

Ну, тайна раскрыта: пупок сделали с помощью снежков, которые бросали в одно место.


Выяснить это оказалось очень легко - нужно было просто спросить у автора снежного произведения

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